Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1939 I1 II 7 4 3,000 PRESENT-AT FARRINGTON men DEDICATION Former 'Governor Is Honored in Service at New School Continued from Pace 1 Frances Farrington Whittemore. A picturesque feature of the ceremonies was a Hawaiian dancing paeeant, during which the cld-time hookupu or It-giving was tym-bolized. with the presentation of a series of corgecus Ieia and art inscribed book to tint. Wallace R. Fan-in etoa.

Each eirt wai brousrht to her on the platform by a Hawaiian EirU keeping time in the dance step to the Hawaiian music Civen by the school glee club. In dedicating the buildms, Oren K. Lnnz. superintendent of public instruction, said. -With full recognition of the significance of this occasion, now dedicate this beautiful building to the memory of a frreat leader, to the happiness and crowth of generations of boys and irls and to the development of a more perfect society in Hawaii." In his address he expressed tribute first to the late governor and publisher.

"Wallace Itider Farrinstnn will al 1 HONORING A GREAT CITIZEN: Scenes at the dedication Sunday of i if vi I iff f-- 1 IN I i I i IV I I i 1 i w. If Wallace Rider rarrincton high school. 1 Utxve Seated on the platform, left to rizht: A. W. lleen, city building; inspector, in whose department construction of the school was handled; Mrs.

Joseph It. Farrington. the Bev. Henry F. Jadd, Oren E.

superintendent of public lnstructin; Senator Joseph It, Farrinfton. Mrs. Wallace It. Farrington. W.

Harold Laper. aupervis-ing principal and chairman of the program; Governor Joseph B. Poindexter, Mayor Charles S. Crane, Thomas II. Vance, principal of the new high school; Mrs.

Frances Farrington Wblttemor, younger daughter of Mrs. Farrington and the late governor. 2 (upper tight) Wallace Rider Farrington. born May 3, 1871; died October 6. 1933; governor of Hawaii.

1921-1929. 3 Mayor Crane hands the key of the building to Principal Vance. 4 Oren E. Long, delivering the dedicatory address. 5 Governor Poindexter seals the rernrrstone.

Star-Bulletin photos. i 4 4- Si edgement of the cooperation and contributions made by A. W. Heen, superintendent of the city-county de partment of buildings. About 60 Farrington school girls Guardsmen Back -if' i n.i-1 ir-T "ni ii i City Building Total Is Set at $137,229 Rites Tuesday For Elias H.

Haskins SHINTO SHRINE 27 Deaths Reported During Dec. 2 Week presented several hulas, among them the Governor Farrington hula. During the pageantry, leis and a gift from, the school were given to Mrs. ways be one of the great men of Hawaii, he said. What Kame-hameha the Great was to the monarchy.

President Sanford B. Dole to the provisional republic. Governor Farrington is to Hawaii as a territory." Gave "As private citizen and as governor, he gave himself unsparingly in an endeavor to build in Hawaii a better social order continued Mr. Lonjj. "No other leader has so touched the life of pupil and teacher rir brought to them juch a helpful interpretation of democracy.

To him, democracy meant equality of opportunity for all the youth cf the The new school building Is significant because it is another step toward Hawaii's ideal of equality of educational opportunity, according to Mr. Long. There are now eight hich schools on Oahu. The speaker also lauded the community interest which helped brinj the school into existence. He pointed to the attractiveness ftf the building and told of the devices to aid pupil and teacher which have been provided in the He said that the program of the chool will at all times be devoted to truth and the producing of good citizens.

Cornerstone Sealed The cornerstone of the school was ealed by Governor Poindexter at the dedication exercises. The cover to the cornerstone was wheeled to the speakers' platform and the governor spread cement along the edge of it. It was then taken out and put into place in the front of the ewa wing of the building. In sealing the cornerstone, the governor said that Mr, Farrington's name will be perpetuated by his acts and his works and as long as the institutions of Hawaii endure. "The naming of this building for that man will be an inspiration to all those who enter these portals and to those in the community, he declared.

He said that Mr. Farrington's whole life may be summed up in the words, "He worked for the betterment of Hawaii." Proud of School The key to the building was presented by Mayor Crane to Thomas 13. Vance, principal of the school. Mayor Crane said that the city-county is proud of the new high chool and hopes to see it grow and contribute to the advancement of its youth. In response, Mr.

Vance thanked all the groups, individuals and agencies who helped make the school a reality. He made special acknow- Farrington. A total of 1137.22ft will r.r IS DEDICATED From Encampment Members of headquarters and service companies of the Hawaii National guard returned to Honolulu Sunday following a weekend encampment at Schofield woods. It was the third and final week Senator Farrington Speaks Senator Joseph R. Farrington During the week ending December 2.

there were registered with the board of health "51 cases of communicable diseases and 27 deaths from all causes, according to a report issued by Dr. Richard K. C. Lee, acting territorial commissioner tniiUli( )iai14Vi nn.inff 4 r- n.A With the Rev. J.

Lamb Doty officiating, services will be held at the Williams mortuary at 4 p. m. Tuesday over the ashes of Elias Howard Haskins, 71, who died Friday morning at his home at 1249 Koko Head Ave. The ashes will be scattered at Two celebrations during the week thanked the school on behalf of his mother and the Farrington family and expressed appreciation for the beautiful way tribute, was paid to Rites Held Sunday For Maria Branco Final rites for Mrs. Maria Silva Branco, well known kamaaina church worker, were held at 3 p.

m. Sunday at the Pilgrim church with the Rev. Robert Kingdon officiating. Burial was in the Makiki cemetery. Borthwick mortuary was in charge of the arrangements.

Mrs. Branco died Saturday morning at her home, 1506 Magazine St She was born in Funchal, Madeira, on July 16, 1869, and came here at the age of 10. She was the widow of Francisco Ferreira Branco. end marked the dedication of the new home of the Kato Jinsha in Buckle lane. end encampment for the guards- his father by the school and public vious week there were 39 cases and nere.

officials. on repairs and construction during 1940. according to announcement of A. W. Heen, city-county building superintendent.

This sum is exclusive of the school construction and repair fund. The largest single item is $93,280 for a new ward building and alterations at the Maluhia home, to care for indigent sick. About $12,786 will be spent on repairs to city hall, $2,200 for repairs to the police station, and various amounts for fire stations and minor city-county buildings. Mr. Haskins, a retired business Imcressive reueious ceremonies He also congratulated the city- opened the program Saturday afternoon with High Priest Hanzo county officials and Mr.

Vance on men in putting in the week of special field training ordered by the war department Col. Perry M. Smoot. adjutant general, and his staff began two weeks of active training at the armory Saturday. Training with his eight officers are five reserves.

Shimoda off iciatine. Blessings of 30 deaths, and during the corresponding week of the previous year 55 cases and 31 deaths were recorded. Venereal diseases again led with 17 cases of syphilis and 15 of gonorrhea. There were also reported 6 their work the planning and building of the school. Dr.

W. Harold Loper, supervising principal of Honolulu schools, was the ancient Shinto gods were bestowed upon the shrine of Kiyo- masa Kato, patron saint or K.ato chairman for the exercises. Jinsha. The afternoon's program began man, had been a resident of Honolulu about four months. He was born in Brooklyn, N.

October 1, 1868, and was the grandson of Hiram Kingsley Haskins, first alderman from Brooklyn. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Angela DHamel Haskins; by a son, Lt. E. D.

Haskins of submarine squadron 4, Pearl Harbor; a daughter, Mrs. John J. Daniel of Orange, N. a sister, Miss Theresa Howard Haskins of Brooklyn, and by three grandchildren. The ceremonies were held on a with a concert by the school band directed by Earle Cristoph.

tower above the new $15,500 temple. cases of chicken pox, 4 of mumps, 3 each of lobar pneumonia and tuberculosis, and 1 case each of leprosy, ophthalmia neonatorum and infantile paralysis. Of the 27 deaths, there was 1 each The traditional "mochinage or The Rev. Henry P. Judd offered the throwing of rice cakes followed the religious ceremonies.

The the invocation. The student body sang the alma mater. A chorus directed by Miss Naomi Frisbee sang due to lobar pneumonia, tuberculosis mochinaEe follows each Shinto dedication of a building or launch God of Our Fathers. The program and typhoid fever, while 24 were due to other causes not related to communicable diseases. ended with all singing The Star ing of a ship, as it is believed by Shinto members to be a good luck token.

For Christmas A parade opened the second day celebration Sunday morning. With the Royal Hawaiian band leading 5,000 members on this island. Heigo Fuchlno was the architect and Y. Aoki, contractor for the temple. 'The former temple was located on N.

School St. and previously on Hall St. WITH HAWAII! Commemorating the 40th ANNQVERSAL7Y of Establishment of the procession, about 300 Japanese children dressed in colorful ki Spangled Banner. Open house was held after the dedication ceremony. Student guides escorted the visitors throughout the building, the territory's second largest high school.

The beauty and functional appropriateness of the architecture and the excellent manner in which the contractor had carried out the design were mentioned in platform talks, and were recognized as hundreds of spectators went through the building at the reception after the program. A special dedication edition of The Governor, the school paper, was TEA, GINGER Camphorwood chests, linens, tea sets, Chinaware, Canton-war and other Chines novelties and curios. Entire stock at special reduced sal prices. CITY YEE WO CHAN LTD. 1007 Maunakea nr.

King monos, started at 9 a. m. from Aala park and proceeded up N. King St. Turning mauka on Liliha St, then waikiki into Vineyard, the parade ended in the temple grounds.

Priests and officials of the Kato Jinsha Mutual Benefit society of Oahu also participated in the march. The foundation and pillars of the new temple are built of concrete, S1C-EM FLEA KILLER Knit ftM, ffcw, tfa*g tlci, erabtlea, cootie, bodbuet, ants and other tlmllar Intact. May bo applied on one tpot to kill float on animal. At all drug stores and grocer. Lou Ah Chew's Pet Store 12 N.

Kno Tel. SS7S Territorial DMribtrtora TERRITORIAL. eiDVERNRsEMTi making it the first Kato Jinsha in ojkbihi the world to have such a foundation. Ryuzo Shimamura is president of the Kato society, which has about distributed. CuIIcn Aucrbach Coaching Girls NEEDS SPECIAL RELIEF Vhen your child Is hoarse or has vhW 1 a croupy cough due to a cold, get syrup, a Doctor's formula Boss Veiir Oreaih Orosdoasiv ira false iEmr? Play Safe De SureUse PoIIdcnt WAIPAHTT, Oahu, Dec.

9. Cul-Ien Auerbach, former Leilehua high school star football athlete, was named coach of the Oahu Sugar Girls basketball team, which is now playing in the newly organized local plantation circuit. Frank Barcelona is the manager and Violet Sismar, captain. Other members of the team are Louise Lewis, Louise Nunes, Eva Ernesto, Sophie Bulac, Elizabeth Fuentes, Lanl Mocksing and Helen Sismar. made specially for children.

Never neglect a child's cold or cough, brings quick, soothing relief and has a pleasant taste children like. Small doses of only a few drops do the work. has been used for nearly 70 years. It has proved its value to thousands. Ask your druggist for a 50c bottle of S.

An Eopa product. HAWAII MUSIC CO. false teeth but also removes'an stain, tarnish and deposits. Makes breath sweeter plates loos: better and feel better. Costa only 304 at any drug store and lasts for many weeks.

Money back: if not delighted. im FPTT ST. Most people who wear plates or bridges suffer from a special kind of bad breath. Dentists call it "denture breath. You won't know If you hare It but lt can spoil your happiness.

Friends will shudder people avoid you! And the worst of it is that ordinary brushing cannot prevent it. Neither will mouth washes. For the odor comes from a znucin-scum that collects on plates and bridges. This scum soaks up germs and decay bacteria and causes a. vile odor that you cannot detect.

One thing can stop "denture Cleans, Purifies Like Magic Tut t1ta or bridca In flw af ntez. A6f 'a hula Polidao On January 1, 1910, The Star-Bulletin will publish a Pictorial Edition specially featuring Hawaii's industrial, political and social progress since territorial government was set up. Hawaii's fight for equal rights the campaign against discriminatory legislation or practicewill be emphasized. This Anniversary Edition will be, further, a comprehensive review of island life and progress. Army, Navy and other phases of federal participation iri territorial development will be given much attention.

It will be an issue of vivid interest to the immediate reader, and of value as a source of information and reference. Here's an edition you trill icant to mall to your friends in mainland 17. S. or abroad prdt. Laava la 1 ta 15 Blastoa rim aad It a aw an and pariflaj An aad, ta oia! I I I i breath and that's Polident! ThLc new brushless cleaner has won the approval of thousands cf dentlsts.TJserssaylt'sablessing.

Polident not only purifies PrtYents "Pasters Bretty WALLACE HSiER. FARRINGTON mm SCMOL We are proud to have installed INTERNATIONAL MASTER TIME, PROGRAM SIGNAL CONTROL AND PUBLIC ADDRESS EQUIPMENT in your school. CHRISTMAS MAIL SCHEDULES Ships to West Coast PRICES: Street or counter sales 5c Wrappei ready for mailing a. 1 0c Wrapped and mailed anywhere in U. S.

and foreign countries 15c DMIlII2WAflWAIL Leave Honolulu Arrive San Francisco Dec 20 Dec 20 Dec 23 Dec 22 Maunolel LurEin Republic Pres. Toft -Dec 12 -Dec 14 -Dec 16 -Dec 16 WATSON BUSINESS MACHINES COMPANY of Hawaii, Limited DISTRIBUTORS 818 Kopiolani Blvd. Send in your order NOW Edition will be limited Telephone 4911, Circulation Department, er call at The Star-Bulletin Office, 125 Merchant Street Ships to Samoa, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand Arrive Arrfvo Arrlv Arrfv Leiva Honolulu Pago Pago Suva Auckland Sydney Dec 23 Dec 25 Dec It Dec 16 Dec 19 Mariposa fc e4 srv JS..

Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.