The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

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The Shreveport Journali

Shreveport, Louisiana

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HEWS WITH PICTURES THE SHREVEPORT JOURNAL TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 1950 A ELEVEN SOCIETY HOSTAGE By ARCHIE JOSCELYN Pamela Ann Sept 4 Mr and Mrs Dandifer boy Kevin Wayne Sept 5 Mr and Mra Thorne Jr girl Claudia Kay Sept 6 Mr and Mrs Johnson girl Melanie Candace Sept 4 Mr and Mrs Waggoner Jr girl Kemberly Sept 7 Mr and Mrs John Stuart girl Lydia Nell Sept 7 Mr and Mrs Holley boy Stan le David Soot 4 A LOVELIER YOU By Mary Sue Miller brown horses hitched He helped her in took his place beside her and swung out of town the cay-uses setting to a steady mile-devouring trot can't tell you how much I appreciate this Dr she said just know what to do" Opera Workshop Groups Honors Alverne Hubley Miss Alverne Hubley a 1936 graduate of the Centenary Music School who is leaving next week for further study in Germany was feted with a party Thursday night by the Shreveport Civic Opera Workshop at the home of Dolores Jones on Prospect St Guests gathered in the backyard where a phonograph played recordings reminiscent of the many local opera productions in which Miss Hubley has sungy After refreshments were served the guest of honor was presented with a gift from the group Those sharing in the occasion with Miss Hubley were Mrs Hubley Mr and Mrs Frank Bailey Martha Dickens Ruth Ve-lotta Randol Harriman Betty Green Susan Bowles Mrs Helen Marshall Mrs Walter Wolens Mrs Percy Browne John Lennie Fidel Schilling Mrs Agnes Jones and Dolores Jones Blewett Mrs Robert Blackman Mrs A Mosby and Mrs Lucy IJae Person Those present at the meeting were: Mrs Anthony Mrs Bravenec Mrs Percy Browne Mrs Burt Mrs Copeland Mrs Hammond Mrs 0 Harrison Mrs Henry Miss Mary Hodges Mrs Knighton Mrs Grover Koffman Mrs McKnight Mrs Turner Morgan Mrs Parish Mrs Poindexter Miss Lillian Polk Mrs Redfield Mrs A Sartor Mrs Schliepake Mrs Steele Mrs Ben Walker Jr Mrs Marris White Mrs A Whitson Mrs Wingo Mrs Hugh Worrell Mrs Wurtsbaugh and Mrs Per kins Jayettes The Jayettes held their monthly meeting at the Filter Center with Mrs Henry Watson as hostess Those attending the meeting en joyed a guided tour with interesting explanations concerning the work carried on at the Center Mrs Eugene Clarke Jayette president announced that a membership drive would begin imme diately Those attending were Mrs Henry 0 Watson Mrs Chester Freeman Mrs Roger Gardner Jr Mrs By rum Teekfcll Mrs John Schober Mrs Tom Ruffin Mrs 0 Furr Jr Mrs Trowbridge Mrs John Quinlan Mrs Eugene Clarke and Mrs Jack Buckingham The Shreveport Country Club Has Ladies' Day The Shreveport Country Club held Day on Thursday Sept 13 Coffee was served at 10 am and lunch until 1 pm Arrangements of roses in silver urns decorated the club at vantage points The prizes: co*ke glasses with a gold pink and white design and a Swedish desigi clear glass pitcher were won by Mrs Lee Sutton and Mrs John Robert Welsh Mrs Stuart Lunn and Mrs Twain Giddens presided the register and Mrs Lee Sutton and Mrs James Smith-erman Jr served Guests were Mrs James Smith-erman Jr Mrs Giddens Mrs Lee Sutton Mrs Stuart Lunn Mrs Byrd Hamilton Mrs Shoup Mrs Robert Welsh Mrs Victor Grage Mrs Lamar Baker Mrs McEl-roy Mrs Nelson Mrs Felix Rives Mrs A McDowell Mrs Hannah Mrs Walter McCook Mrs Jay Alan Reid Mrs Barineau Jr Mrs Lawrence McGee Mrs A Tharpe Jr Mrs John Murphy Mrs Richards Mrs David Billeiter Mrs Frank Wilkes Mrs Homer Biane Mrs Harris Frederic Mrs Bryant Mrs Bert Williams Mrs Floyd Roney Mrs Campbell Mrs Allen Mrs Carl A Bornman Mrs John Gosslee Mrs Ferguson Mrs Hunter Mrs Nowrey Jr Mrs Dowd Mrs Wilson MrS Fred Watkins Mrs Olvey Mrs McDowell Mrs Milton Crow Mrs William Peaco*ck Mrs Cook Mrs Olson Mrs Clare Clark Mrs Lawton Jr Mrs Metcalf Mrs George Sproull Mrs Hill Mrs A McCleg-ahan Mrs Robert A Taliaferro Jr Mrs Jr Mrs Allen Morris Mrs O'Brien Mrs Jacobs Mrs Marion Woolf Mrs Norris Mc- Gowen Mrs Pete Couch Mrs David Smitheran Mrs Haynes Mrs Bernard Waiss Mrs Jack Tullos Mrs Hobson Wheless Mrs Claude De Beaux Jr Mrs Stephen Rowley Mrs A Tullos Jr Mrs Evans Mrs Talbot Mrs Booth Mrs Claudius Dickson Mrs Maxine Stringfellow Mrs A Carmody Mrs George Nelson Mrs High Ilgenfritz Mrs Lewis Robinson Mrs John Flournoy Jr GAVEL NOTES BIRTHS and Mrs A Martini girl Jane Mane Sept 8 Dr and Mrs Franklin Happen Sr boy Richard Lee Sept 8 a Highland Sanitarium Mr and Mrs Phillips girl Rosemarie Sept 6 Mr and Msr Womack Sr girl Pamela Sue Sept 0 Mr and Mrs White boy James David Sept 8 Mr and Mrs Hayes boy Rich ard Lynn Sept 8 Mr and Mrs John James Groves boy James Edwin Sept 8 Mr and Mrs Johnson Jr boy Gregory Gene Sept 8 Mr and Mrs Rosenfeld girl Tina Marie Sept 10 Schumpert Sanitarium Mr and Mrs Heard girl Mary Frances Aug 18 Mr and Mrs Jackson boy Jerald Otis Aug 19 Mr and Mrs Palmer girl Estelle Aug 2U Mr and Mrs Prudhome girl William Allen Aug 20 Mr and Mrs Laubach girl Kristin Jane Sept 20 Mr and Mis Davis boy Charles We Aug 21 Mr and Mrs Allen girl Leslie Ann Aug 21 Mr and Mrs Ouzts boy John Bernard Jr Aug 21 Mr and Mrs Saggerty boy Richard Vance Aug 21 Mr and Mrs McMullen boy Claude Douglas Aug 21 Mr and Mrs idler girl Julie Catherine Aug 21 Mr and Mrs Ledlow boy Jeffery Wayne Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Martin girl Annette Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Mullican girl Vickie Gail Aug 23 Mr and Mrs Thomas girl Shannon Kav Aug 23 Mr and Mrs Templeton girl Pamela Raye 23 Mr and Mrs A Henley girl Claudia Ann Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Palmerton girl Vickie Larllne Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Bozeman girl Barbara Ann Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Brown girl Sabrina Anne Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Brabham Sr boy Grover Wray Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Ashley boy William Guy III Aug 25 Mr and Mrs Parker boy John Wayne Aug 25 Mr and Mrs A Garcia boy Juan Ramon Aug 25 Mr and Mrs Morgan boy Fred Curtis Aug 25 Mr and Mrs Fockelmann girl Leslie Ann Mr and Mrs A Carlisle boy Albert Joseph Jr Aug 25 Mr and Mis Land boy Joseph Bruce Aug 26 Mr and Mrs Hohlt boy Herbert Frederick Jr Aug 26 Mr and Mrs Daly girl Susan Chine Aug 26 Mr and Mrs Tiemann girl Meiony Diane Sept 26 Mr and Mrs Bornaman girl Terri Lynne Aug 27 Mr and Mrs Jones girl Catherine Marie Aug 27 Mr and Mrs Franklin boy Gary Glen Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Crnknvic girl Laura Kaye Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Keon girl Karma Gay Aug 28 Mr and Mrs A Methvin girl Janice Mane Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Fitzgerald giri Deborah Kay Aug 28 Mr and Mrs A James boy Kenneth Wane Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Eitife girl Renee Cecelia Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Kinsey Jr boy Christopher Mahn Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Walker Jr boy Henry Lee 111 Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Burks boy Rob- ert James Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Adams boy John Roger Adams Aug 29 Mr and Mrs Smith girl Teresa Renee Aug 29 Mr and Mrs Tauzin girl Donna Gayle Aug 29 Mr and Mrs Adkins boy Mark Kenneth Aug 29 Mr and Mrs Henderson girl Vickie Dean Aug 29 Mr and Mis Rose boy Victor Chamliss Jr Aug 30 Mr and Mrs Graham girl Lynn Aug 30 Mr and Mrs Anderson boy Charles Edward Jr Aug 30 Mr and Mrs Boren III girl Linda Kathleen Aug 30 Mr and Mrs Casey boy Richard Dale Aug 30 Mr and Mrs A Drewry girl Jenifer Joan Aug 30 Mr and Mrs Rotolo Jr girl Kathy Ann Aug 31 Mr and Mrs May girl Monica Eugenia Aug 31 Mr and Mrs A Singletary boy Steven Archie Aug 31 Mr and Mrs lies girl Martha Susan Aug 31 Mr and Mrs A Spataro girl The following births have been registered in the Division of Vital Statistics Caddo-Shreveport Health Unit Highland Sanitarium Mr and Mrs Cook Srt boy Homer Clifton Jr Aug 14 Mr and Mrs Nelson girl Carol Michele Aug 15 SYNOPSIS In Wild West days Narclaia Hull traveled by stagecoach to Coyote Creek In northeastern Montana to Marty Emil Jacobsen One passenger became obnoxious In his attention to her Dolf Kinney He bragged of being the richest and most powerful man In the territory and told her to Jilt Jacobsen and marry him Narclsaa found comfort in the presence of Dr Krd Fklund who helped her fend off Kinney When the stagecoach stopped at Coyote Creek Emil was not waiting for her "Looks like your feller didn't show up" Kinney said "When you change your mind let me know" CHAPTER 2 NAR I SS A stood looking anxiously about until it was apparent that Kinney was right There was no one here to meet her knew that I was she murmured and distress edged her tone Uncertainly she turned to Eklund you know him by any she asked where he Eklund answered do both questions lives out about twenty miles He don't get in to town often Might have been delayed" It was mid-afternoon with the short shadows commencing to lengthen but the heat of mid-August still beat down determinedly Narcissa had ridden a long way already and was tired disheveled you want to go along you might ride with Eklund sug-gestedly diffidently be driving out that way to see a She looked at him with quickening interest a "They call me a sawbones he said soberly had to make the trip to Forty Mile for some particular sure I be in your will be a pleasure he reassured her wash up a little 'fore we start be ready in about ten minutes" "You're very She looked about uncertainly should I go wash It was his turn to hesitate He recommend the rooms for rent above one of the saloons which served in lieu of a hotel Yet what else was there? He fumbled in his pocket handed her a key pointed to where his sign showed across the street can use my place if you wish" he suggested getting the She considered became aware that Kinney was watching her with a wintry amusem*nt and took the key Eklund had half-expected an explosion when he made his offer but Dolf Kinney as unpredictable He turned moved across to his saloon and out of sight Eklund went to the livery stable and he was within the limit set as he swung up before his combined office and living quarters He knocked and entered at her muffled to see her toweling her face vigorously at the water bucket and basin in one corner making myself right at she told him and flashed a smile She had contrived to remove the grime to run a comb through her curls which seemed natural unwilted even by the heat Her hair was the color of autumn leaves brown with a hint of gold Eklund caught his breath is a lucky man" he said involuntarily She did not take offense at the sincerity in his voice Outside he had a single-seated buggy the top up a team of PRESCRIPTION FOR SKIN LOVELINESS If you could wish lor a lovelier complexion the all steps and ingredients: Cleanliness cleansing cream or lotion and sudsy washings Correction night-care emollient suited to individual problem and if needed special treatments powder base designed for skin dry pily disturbed or normal fresh air and exercise milk water Vitamin A foods Mix well and take regularly! A Lovelier Complexion Whatever your skin problems to find a solution send for my booklet "A LOVELIER Detailed advice contained includes the correct care for dry oily combination and normal skin types proper application methods treatments for blackheads enlarged pores circles wrinkles crepiness' etc For your copy of LOVELIER write me in care of The Shreveport Journal enclosing a LARGE SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVEL-OPE and 20c in coin to cover cost and handling Barksdale Society Special Notices come he asked Indiana And I don't believe even told you my name It's Narcissa fits you" he said was my mother's favorite flower in the spring she used to call The cayuses slowed as they climbed a slope and from somewhere sounded the pounding hoofs of a horse hard-ridden but they caught no glimpse of it took the short cut the other side of the Elk-lund explained in answer to Nar-cissa's inquiring glance man on horseback can do that He must be in a When they topped the slope the rider was out of sight over a higher rim beyond The flat nature of the land was changing giving way to rolling broken country They climbed a long easy slope and from its crest he pointed Rockies" he said she said simply seeing them there changes this whole country I'll like Emil's place now" set a sight of store by went to school together He came out this way three years ago A few weeks back he wrote and asked me to come out and marry him I no he guessed VHow did you Only a and I was in the way in her He had read that already added to his own knowledge of that back-east country Poverty was in the rawhide-bound bag But then poverty was across ail the land this half a decade since Lee had laid down his sword and sent his men back to their plowing North or south east or west it was the same The country was now feeling the full effect of the years of destruction a blight which would be slow in healing Such an offer had probably seemed heaven-sent to the girl Narcissa liked this man with his easy way of speaking his sureness of intent He was she judged around thirty though sometimes he looked older Or as when he smiled that gently ironic smile considerably younger do you know which Indians are hostile and which are she asked always friendly when he explained a matter of fact this vaccine that I went to Forty Mile to get is for an go to a lot of trouble Is it worth you mean in pay It depends on the kind lose money if my time was worth anything On the other hand if it prevents an epidemic from sweeping this section that ought to be worth a little effort And sometimes there are other Intangible results" She did not press him but as the sun came near the earth she had the comfortable feeling of having found a friend as if she had known him a long time make up for Mr she said suddenly Coyote Creek would be a queer he answered give the shirt off his back to help a man he or shoot a helpless man if he hated him But he really seemed to like you and he always shows how he sorry I spoke of she said country is so much nicer She broke off Then do they call it Coyote I see any creek There are coyotes he explained guess the creek is poetic license Right pver that hill is Her eyes brightened The horseS had slowed but seeing her eager ness he set them to a trot again Questions had plagued him on the ride Why Emil Jacobsen in town to meet his intended bride? It dike him to miss such an occasion Since he what about a preacher a wedding But he been in a mood to dampen her spirits with such problems They were not for his solving he reminded himself and frowned as the shack showed abruptly There was a spring in the rocks a hundred feet away brush growing luxuriously around it A pole corral began at rocks but it stood empty now the gate open The cabin had somehow a more lifeless air of desertion than such an alien fixture in this wide new land ordinarily pos sessed Not until they were swinging around the corner of the house did he see it and then it was too late to turn to pull up She had seen it as the sprawled figure ly ing in the patch of weeds A cry choked in her throat then he had stopped the team and sprung out he ordered sharply but he knew that she was at his heels as he advanced No need to ask why Emil Jacobsen been at Coyote Creek to meet his in tended bride Dr Erd Eklund had seen death too many times to need a closer examination to recognize it now (To Be Continued) at Jr Mr and Mis Riley girl Carol Anne Aug 15 Mr and Mis Wataon girl patty Lynn Aug 15 Mr and Mrs Peddy girl Corla Jo Aug 16 Mr and Mrs Moore girl Rita Lynn Aug 17 Mr and Mrs King girl De borah Lynn Aug 17 Mr and Mis Volentine girl Caio! Rene Aug 18 Mr and Mrs Irvin Sr girl Patricia Sue Aug 18 Mr and Mrs A Perry boy William Alien Aug 18 Mr and Mrs Lee boy Jeffrey Clyde Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Robicheaux Jr boy David Allen Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Blaine girl Leslie Marie Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Talley Sr boy David Wesley Jr Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Hawkins Jr girl Eleanor Gayneli Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Harold Brice girl Teresa Ann Aug 27 First Lt and Mrs David girf Vicki Denise Aug 26 Mr and Mrs Jones Jr boy Robert Maurice III Aug 28 Mr and Mrs A Cox boy Jeffery Allan Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Norris girl Elisa Dariene Aug 30 Mr and Mrs Dean girl Debra Lee Sept 2 Mr and Mrs Wibker Jr girl Linda Carol Sept 2 Mr and Mrs Emerlch boy David Graulich Sept 4 Mr and Mrs Pittman girl Elizabeth Ann Aug 11 Mr and Mrs Hefley girl Sharon Dell Aug 12 Mr and Mrs Longfellow boy James Warren Aug 13 Mr and Mis Maxely III boy David Lynn Aug 13 Mr and Mrs Lephy Peddy girl Carolyn Fay Aug 14 Mr and Mis Fuller girl Beverly Diane Aug 13 Mr and Mrs Collier Sr boy James Russell Jr Aug 14 Willis-Knifhton Hospital Mr and Mrs Denzil Crump boy Wil liam Randall Aug 21 Mr and Mrs Morris Leonard girl Beverly KAy Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Hughes boy Rickee Demoin Aug 22 Mr and Mrs Oliver Gray girl Sharon Elaine Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Samuel Mitchell girl Cynthia Lou Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Charles Edwards girl Donna Kay Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Wuour Shoemake Jr girl Terri Lynn Aug 24 Mr- and Mrs Edward Tudor girl Rebecca Quinn Aug 26 Mr and Mrs A McLauren boy Richard Lyron Aug 27 Mr and Mrs Harvey Simmons girl Janice Diane Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Clyde Meshell boy Randy Clyde Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Zeigler boy Michael James Aug 28 Mr and Mrs William Reeves girl Man Neale Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Norman Roberts girl Vicki Lynn Aug 28 Mr and Mrs Joe Raska girl Nancy Jo Aug 29 Mr and Mrs Allen Philan twin girls Terry Anne and Sherry Lynne Aug 29 Mr and Mrs Myron Trammell twin girls Margaret Anne and Martha Lynne Aug 29 Mr and Mrs James Meredith Jr girl Dianne Aug 29 Mr and Mrs Thomas Holmes girl Karen Renee Aug 29 Mr and Mrs Henry A Lee girl Nancy Ruth Aug 30 Mr and Mrs Lewis Baker Jr girl Susan Ruth Aug 30 Mr and Mrs Bobby Lee Cleveland girl Kathy Gale Aug 31 Mr and Mrs Richard Lee boy Richard Earl Sept 1 Mr and Mrs Nunley girl Debra Lynn Sept 1 Mr and Mrs McConnell girl Malinda Kay Sept 1 Mr and Mrs McCormick boy Phillip Wayne Sept 1 Mr and Mrs Bobby Ray Shaw girl Sandra Virginia Sept 1 Mr and Mrs Stucker boy Jef-ferv Edwad Sept 2 Mr and Mrs Mortis Jr Doy Michael Spencer Sept 2 Mr and Mrs West Sr boy Jackie Earl Jr Sept 2 Mr and Mis Gary Rowe boy Gary Donald Sept 2 Mr and Mrs Karger Jr girl Constance Gale Sept 3 Mr and Mrs Long girl Patricia Ann Sept 3 Mr and Mrs Lawrence Hennard girl Donna Sue Sept 3 i Mr and Mrs Charles Poston girl Debra Kaye Sent 4 Mr and Mrs Watson boy Terry Melvin Sent 4 Mr and Mrs A Gibbs girl Mitzie Gav Sept 4 Mr and Mrs Reynolds girl Jovee Ann Sept 4 rv 3 53 53 0 Shreveport Chapter of DAR On Tuesday afternoon Sept 11 the Shreveport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution met in the lovely home of Mrs on Wilder Place for the first meeting of the fall season In the absence of the regent Mrs Moffitt the first vice regent Mrs presided New were distributed together- with copies of the newly revised constitution and bylaws Mrs Browne reporting for Mrs Hibbler stated that several lineage books were missing from the library and asked if they could be procured from National The names of two prospective members were presented viz: Miss Sue Harris and Miss Sandra Summons Mrs read a letter from the state regent in which the objectives and projects of the year were set forth She urged that especial attention be given the following: The district meeting to be held in Minden Sept 21 which all are urged to attend and the change in time of the state conference In order that Mrs Frederick Groves president-general may attend the conference it has been necessary to change the date of meeting from March 13 14 and 15 to March 18 19 and 20 September 17 through 23 having been proclaimed nationally as Constitution Week plans were outlined for its observance locally Mrs stated that model copy of the proclamation has been sent to the mayor which he will have published in the two local papers Editorial on the Constitution will also appear in both papers Schools will be asked to cooperate disseminating cardinal facts about the Constitution Ministers of various churches will also be asked to cooperate by calling attention to the significance of it as will also the Chamber of Commerce Radio and TV stations will be asked to give pertinent facts about the Constitution in spot announcements All business houses will be asked to cooperate by flying the American flag during Constitution Week Mrs stated that literature had been ordered and wUl be placed in the courthouse distribution to the newly naturalized citizens National Defense chairman Mrs Wingo gave a brief talk on the Constitution with especial emphasis on the Bill of Rights She gave a short biography on George Mason why and under what circ*mstances he wrote the Bill of Rights Mrs Grover Koffman chairman of the program committee then presented two speakers who gave interesting and informative talks First Mrs Copeland reminded all of the proper manner in which the flag should be honored and respected illustrating her remarks with pictures Mrs Perkins then gave an account of her endeavors to place Historical Markers in Shreveport She also spoke of the mart ers whic hhad been placed at the grave of Colonel Sibley and at the New Bridge Youree Drive and Bluff She also told of her work with the children in ac quainting them with historical facts such as the Louisiana Purchase etc At the conclusion of this very interesting program members and guests were invited into the dining room where refreshments were enjoyed Presiding at the silver coffee service was Mrs Joe Blew' ett and at the opposite end of the table Miss Ola Mae Word served a delicious and colorful salad As sisting the hostess in dispensing the social courtesies were the fol lowing co-hostesses: Mrs Mulkey Mrs Mulkey Mrs Whitaker Mrs Woods Miss Ola Mae Word Mrs Joe Bossier Base Activities The Bossier Base Wives Club held their Sept 12 in the Base Community Center The door prize a certificate from a beauty salon was won by Mrs Mary Smith The member bringing the most guests was Mrs Carole Richardson The prize was a certificate from a beauty salon Mrs Fitizsimmons and Mrs Hetrick attend as honor guests Mrs Norma Keress Mrs Betty Johnson Mrs Margaret Clarks Mrs Shirley Cousins Mrs Janet Norrod Mrs Velma Parson Mrs Merie Eckels and Mrs Bunny Jones attended as guests The entertainment for the evening was given by the Teenagers of the Teen Town Club The social meeting will be conducted Sept 19 the executive meeting will be conducted Sept 26 and the business meeting will be conducted October 3 Coffee The Airmen and NCO Wives of the 376th Air Refueling Squadron will hold their monthly coffee Sept 18 at 7:30 pm at the Service Club All Airmen and NCO Wives are urged to attend Party Bridge BOWC party bridge will be held on Wednesday Sept 19 at 1 pm in the Starlight Room Bossier Base Activities The Bossier Base Wives Club will conduct its social meeting Wednesday evening Sept 19 at 8 pm in the Base Community Center The social meeting will be a Western Dance Square dance records will be played All members of the club and their husbands are cordially invited to attend Bridge An eight week beginners bridge instruction class will be held in the Starlight Room free of charge for all interested BOWC members The first class will commence on Wednesday Sept 19 at 1 pm with Mrs Forrest Sharpe as instructor For further information and registration for these bridge lessons please call: Mrs Myles 4-0464 Mrs Benton 5-1347 Mrs Henkle 4-5170 Ihethirujs thesay abowtSe! Cynthia Ann Sept 1 Mr and Mrs Weaver boy Kenneth Earl Sept 1 Mr and Mrs Bigner boy Carl-eton Blame Sept 1 Mr and Mrs Cabe girl Carol Anne Sept 1 1 Mr and Mrs Adams girl Ella Kathleen Sept 1 Mr and Mrs Power girl Martha Susan Sept 1 Mr and Mrs Mangiapane girl Tena Marie Sept 1 Mr and Mrs Papa girl Sandra Kav Sept 2 Mr and Mrs Larrett girl Sherri Lane Sept 2 Mr and Mrs Havme boy William Howard Jr Sent 2 Mr and Mrs Mhoon Jr girl Patricia Ann Sent 2 Mr and Mrs Delegal Jr boy Harold Thomas Sent 2 Mr and Mrs Potter boy Jeffrey Tavlor Sept 2 Mr and Mrs Lowman girl Debra Jov Sept 2 Mr and Mrs A Miciotto boy Patrick Nolan Sept 2 Mr and Mrs Pittman girl Mary Lynn Sept 3 Mr and Mrs Coon boy John Smvhe Jr Sept 3 Mr and Mrs Mitchell girl Patricia Gail Sept 3 Mr and Mrs McMath boy David Kent Sept 3 Mr and Mrs A Brasfield boy Varry Scott Sept 4 Mr and Mrs Braswell girl Charlotte Ann Sent 4 Mr and Mrs Searl boy Gordon Shawm Sept 4 Mr and Mrs Barger girl Bonita Karen Sept 4 Mr and Mrs Miller girl Susan Renea Sept 5 Mr and Mrs Lewis girl Roxanne Sent 5 Mr and Mrs Gros girl Cheryl Denise Sept 5 Mr and Mrs Cathey boy Garv Arnold Sept 5 Mr and Mrs Lycan girl Caroline Grace Sept 5 Mr and Mrs Waddle boy Paul Ravmond Jr Sept 5 Mr and Mrs Shively boy Mark Peterson Sent 6 I Mr and Mrs Weileder boy Richard David Jr Sept 6 Mr and Mrs Fulco girl Rita Mne Sent 6 Mr and Mrs Reuwer girl Sharon Kay Sept 6 Mr and Mrs Higgenbotham bo' James Mark Sept 8 Mr and Mrs DeFord boy Barry Richard Sept 6 Mr and Mrs Thomas girl Marv DeU Sept 6 Mr and Mrs Purvis boy Bobby Mark Sent 6 Mr and Mrs A McLean boy A special feature of the MISSION INSTITUTE again this year is the dinner meeting on Thursday Sept 20 at 6 pm in Baird Hall of the First Methodist Church Mrs Cagstarphen in charge of tickets calls attention to the reservation deadline which has been extended through Monday Sept 17 Mrs Carstarphen may be contacted at 2-0711 The institute is sponsored annually by the United Church Women of Shreveport and Bossier Wednesday Sept 19 SHREVEPORT NEWCOMER CLUB will meet at the and Hotel tearoom at 10 am For reservation call Mrs Covington 8-9365 CHI OMEGA ALUMNAE will meet for a business meeting and luncheon at 10:30 am at the Chi Omega Lodge on Woodlawn The hostess will be Mrs Felix Arce-neaux with Mrs Denny Gamble Mrs George Despot and Mrs Wiliam Harwell as cohostess THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN will have a membership tea at 4 in the tearoom of the Physicians and Surgeons Hotel All university women interested in oining the organization are invited to attend DELPHI STUDY CLUB will meet at the Woman's Department Club at 10 am Mrs Zimmerman Mrs Johnson and Mrs Ren-dall Martin will be the hostesses Mrs Cleo Barnwell will give a book review Members may invite one guest KAPPA ALPHA PARENTS CLUB will meet at the home of Mrs Walter Ryland 234 Stuart at 10 am Mrs Kennedy will be cohostess THE SUMMER GROVE GARDEN CLUB will hold their regular meeting at 9:30 am in the Summer Grove Methodist Church William Hunter will speak on of House Plants and BOSSIER RECREATION HOSTESS MOTHERS CLUB will hold its first meeting of the season at 7:30 pm at the Recreation Center All mothers in Bossier City with children between the ages of 13 to 16 will be cordially welcomed SHREVEPORT HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY will hold its first meeting of the year at 10 am at La State Exhibit Bldg KAPPA DELTA sorority will meet at 10:30 am at the home of Mrs AI Weldin 881 River Rd Thursday Sept 20 DELTA GAMMA ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION will meet at 10 am in the home of Mrs Luther Jordan Jr 642 Robinson Place ALPHA DELTA PI ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION wiU hold a dinner meeting at 7 pm in the home of Mrs Dutton 403 Huron For reservations call 8-6245 Friday Sept 21 SHREVEPORT COUNTRY CLUB will entertain its Junior Hi members with its Fall Dance from 8 to 11 pm Dress will be semi-formal Milt Chapman's orchestra will furnish the music Mr and Mrs Ruben Morris girl Gregory Scott Sept 7 Until Further Notice We Are Going to Give a Assistance Course Of utmost importance to families of Officers NCOs and Airmen is the upcoming Assistance Orientation and Training Course to be given Sept 19-20 and 26-27 from pm at the NCO Academy at Barksdale Air Force Base Ifaveyou been inside her house Everything's so neat and clean Three youngsters too! Yet she manages to have loads of time for so many other things! Now turn green girls Sue really isn't that good! She simply uses her head instead of her muscles Finds quicker easier ways to get her housework done Like using Bruce Cleaning Wax on her wood floors Why it cleans and waxes them in one easy operation without messy floor washing of any kind Then Sue sits and collects compliments Just try it next waxing day Bruce Cleaning Wax for a heavy coat of wax or Bruce Floor Cleaner for a light wax coat Both give wonderfully easy clean-as-you-wax results! THE LADY FELT OSTRACIZED An example of this as follows: EVENTIDE MATTRESS 50 4000 and BOX SPRINGS Lesi Trade-In For yean she had bean effilicted with the unottroctivenei of unnecessary hair growth She sought various pretentious cures but none achieved their intended fiurpose Finally she learned of our harm-ess yet permanently effective method She underwent treatment by One of our trained specialist and now like so many ethers that have found our way positive is living a contented happy life If you ore bothered with unsightly hair growth on the foce orms legs and etc call us far a complimentary demonstration today 50 39 OUTPMOW ANY OTHER DUST C10TH mmuss of mice' YOU PAY ONLY Terms up to six no carrying charge THREE LOCATIONS i 535 MARKET STREET PHONE 4-2643 BROADMOOR PHONE 4-4572 SUNSET VILLAGE PHONE 6-2751 For floors use 6RUCE1 (lionini Wax Haw (laanar Asphalt Tilt Cltanar Asphalt Tila Wax fast Wax SeH-foli ihmj Wax ewtUALLV TftlATI Medically Approved The Thermiquetron Clinic 1853 Line Are Mulkey Bldg Phone 4-4748 beautifies Skin Lika Excellent fot akin blemishes from externa) causes Try it One will convince you Cleanse SkJa With Prte Skin So DUST CLOTH.

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The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 5867

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.