Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (2024)

By: Jodi/Published on October 16, 2019 Updated on January 3, 2024/6 Comments

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Indulge in the wholesome goodness of our healthy pumpkin pancakes recipe, a favorite among kids and adults alike. Crafted with canned pumpkin, a dash of almond extract, and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie seasoning, these pancakes are a cherished autumn delight. Discover the art of crafting pumpkin spice pancakes that pack a punch of flavor using only a handful of ingredients.

Prepare to elevate your breakfast game with our Pumpkin Pancakes – a convenient, make-ahead breakfast option that can be prepared in abundance, frozen, and reheated whenever needed. These pancakes are a lifesaver for those bustling mornings when your little ones can easily warm them up and participate in creating their breakfast.

Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (1)

The entire family is sure to relish the harmonious flavors that unite to form these pumpkin-infused pancakes. According to my children, they taste just like a slice of homemade pumpkin pie! For an added touch of sweetness, crown them with luscious maple syrup, indulgent caramel sauce, or the natural goodness of honey.

Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (2)

Table of Contents


  • 1/2cup canned pumpkin
  • 1 1/2 cup milk (or almond milk for a dairy-free version)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons Vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Almond extract (or vanilla) ✅
  • 1 ½ cup gluten-free flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder ✅
  • 1 tsp. baking soda ✅
  • 1 tsp. pumpkin pie seasoning ✅
  • ½ tsp. Salt

Gluten-Free Guide: If you’re new to eating gluten-free we understand it’s overwhelming trying to figure out which foods may contain gluten and which ones don’t. All of our gluten-free recipes marked with this symbol ✅represent foods that need to be checked for gluten.

Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (3)

How to Make Healthy Pancakes for Kids

To whip up these delicious kid-friendly pumpkin pancakes, start by combining your wet ingredients. In a medium-sized bowl, vigorously whisk together 1 ½ cups of milk, ½ cup of canned pumpkin puree, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, and 1 teaspoon of almond extract (or vanilla extract).

Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (4)

Next, in another medium-sized bowl, focus on the dry ingredients. Whisk together 1 ½ cups of all-purpose gluten-free flour, 1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie seasoning, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and ½ teaspoon of salt.

Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (5)

Now, it’s time to combine the dry and wet components. Gently stir the dry ingredients to the wet ones, folding them together until just moistened. Be cautious not to overmix, as this could result in tough pancakes. It’s perfectly fine if there are a few lumps in the batter.

Prepare your cooking surface by preheating a griddle to 350 degrees or heating a large nonstick skillet over medium heat.

Using a ¼ cup measuring cup, scoop the pancake batter and pour it onto the hot griddle or skillet. Allow the pancakes to cook for approximately 1 ½ to two minutes per side. You’ll know it’s time to flip them when the edges start to show a bit of browning, and the center of the pancake batter forms bubbles.

Once cooked to perfection, serve these delightful pumpkin pancakes with a generous drizzle of warmed maple syrup for a truly scrumptious breakfast treat.

Pancake Add-in Suggestions

  • chocolate chips
  • chopped pecans
  • shredded coconut
Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (6)

Recipe Tips

  • Use a Nonstick Skillet or Griddle: If you’re not using a nonstick surface, make sure to grease it lightly with cooking spray or a small amount of oil to prevent sticking.
  • Check the Batter Consistency: Gluten-free flours can vary in their moisture content. If your batter seems too thick, you can add a little more milk to reach the desired pancake batter consistency.
  • Don’t Overmix: Overmixing gluten-free pancake batter can make the pancakes dense. It’s okay if there are a few lumps in the batter; resist the urge to over-stir.
  • Let the Batter Rest: If you have the time, allowing the batter to rest for about 10-15 minutes can help improve the texture of your pancakes.
  • Preheat the Cooking Surface: Make sure your griddle or skillet is fully preheated before adding the pancake batter. You can test if it’s hot enough by sprinkling a few drops of water onto the surface; they should sizzle.
  • Use a Ladle or Measuring Cup: To ensure uniform-sized pancakes, use a ¼ cup measuring cup or ladle to pour the batter onto the cooking surface.
  • Adjust Heat as Needed: Cooking temperatures can vary, so adjust the heat as needed to prevent burning or undercooking. You want a medium heat that cooks the pancakes evenly.
  • Watch for Bubbles: Look for bubbles forming on the surface of the pancakes; this is a sign it’s time to flip them. Be patient and flip gently to avoid splattering.
  • Keep Pancakes Warm: If you’re making a large batch, you can keep the cooked pancakes warm by placing them on a baking sheet in a 200°F (93°C) oven while you finish cooking the rest.
  • Variations: Get creative with toppings! Besides maple syrup, consider adding sliced bananas, chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or whipped cream for extra flavor and texture.
  • Make Ahead: These pancakes can be frozen. After cooking, let them cool, then stack with parchment paper in between and freeze in an airtight container. Reheat in a toaster or microwave.
  • Experiment: Feel free to experiment with spices and flavorings. You can customize your pumpkin pancakes with additional spices like nutmeg, cloves, or ginger for extra warmth and depth of flavor.
Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (7)


Can I use regular all-purpose flour instead of gluten-free flour?

Yes, you can substitute regular all-purpose flour if you don’t require a gluten-free recipe. The measurements should remain the same.

What if I don’t have almond extract?

If you don’t have almond extract, you can use vanilla extract as a substitute, and your pancakes will still taste great.

Can I use other types of milk, like almond milk or soy milk?

Yes, you can substitute other milk alternatives for dairy milk if you have dietary preferences or restrictions. Just make sure the milk alternative is unsweetened and unflavored.

How do I know when the pancakes are ready to flip?

Look for bubbles forming on the surface of the pancakes and the edges starting to brown. When you see these signs, gently flip the pancakes.

What is pumpkin pie seasoning, and can I make it at home?

Pumpkin pie seasoning is a blend of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and allspice. You can make your own by combining these spices in the desired proportions or use a pre-made pumpkin pie spice blend.

Storage Instructions

  • Cool Completely: Allow the cooked pancakes to cool to room temperature on a wire rack or a clean, dry surface. This helps prevent condensation and sogginess during storage.
  • Stack and Separate: Gently stack the cooled pancakes with a piece of parchment paper between each pancake to prevent them from sticking together. This step is essential to ensure easy separation when you’re ready to reheat them.
  • Airtight Container or Freezer Bag: Place the stacked pancakes in an airtight container or a freezer-safe resealable bag. Ensure you remove as much air as possible before sealing to prevent freezer burn.
  • Label and Date: Don’t forget to label the container or bag with the date of preparation. This helps you keep track of their freshness.
  • Freeze: Store the container or bag in the freezer. Your gluten-free pumpkin pancakes should stay fresh for up to 2-3 months.

When you’re ready to enjoy them again:

  • Thaw: Remove the desired number of pancakes from the freezer and let them thaw in the refrigerator overnight or at room temperature for a few hours.
  • Reheat: Warm the pancakes in a toaster, oven, or microwave until they are heated through and achieve the desired level of warmth.

More Pumpkin Recipes

CKC Features both Gluten-Free Guidance and Kids Cooking Instructions: If you’re new to eating gluten-free we understand it’s overwhelming trying to figure out which foods may contain gluten and which ones don’t. All of our gluten-free recipes marked with this symbol ✅represent foods that need to be checked for gluten or cross-contamination.

The ⭐️ symbol in the recipe below denotes the steps in which kid cooks may need a helper (depending on age). If there is no ⭐️ symbol, that step (or recipe) doesn’t require a helper.

Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (8)

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Healthy Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe

Our healthy pumpkin pancake recipe is a healthy pancake recipe kids love! Made with canned pumpkin, almond extract, and pumpkin pie seasoning, these are a fall staple. Learn how to make pumpkin spice pancakes that have a big flavor with few ingredients.Gluten-free.

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4.30 from 10 votes

Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 8 minutes mins

Total Time 13 minutes mins

Servings 4


  • 1 ½ cup milk
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract, or vanilla extract
  • 1 ½ cup all-purpose gluten-free flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Warmed maple syrup


  • Whisk the wet ingredients. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk the milk, pumpkin puree, egg, oil, sugar, and almond extract to combine.

    1 ½ cup milk, 1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 1 teaspoon almond extract, or vanilla extract

  • Whisk the dry ingredients. In a medium-sized bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, pumpkin pie seasoning, cinnamon, and salt.

    1 ½ cup all-purpose gluten-free flour, 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie seasoning, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, ½ teaspoon salt

  • Add dry ingredients. To the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients.

  • Fold together the ingredients. Stir until moistened, but don’t over-blend, because this will make your pancakes tough. It’s ok if there are some lumps.

  • Preheat griddle. Preheat a griddle to 350 degrees, or heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat.

  • ⭐️Cook. Using a ¼ cup measuring cup, scoop pancake batter and pour onto hot griddle or skillet. Cook the pancakes for about 1 ½ to two minutes per side. You’ll know when to flip the pancakes when the edges start to get a little cooked and the center of the pancake batter is bubbly. Serve with syrup.

    Warmed maple syrup


CCK Features both Gluten-Free Guidance and Kids Cooking Instructions: If you’re new to eating gluten-free we understand it’s overwhelming trying to figure out which foods may contain gluten and which ones don’t. All of our gluten-free recipes marked with this symbol ✅represent foods that need to be checked for gluten or cross-contamination.

The ⭐️ symbol in the recipe below denotes the steps in which kid cooks may need a helper (depending on age). If there is no ⭐️ symbol, that step (or recipe) doesn’t require a helper.


Calories: 342kcal | Carbohydrates: 50g | Protein: 9g | Fat: 12g | Saturated Fat: 8g | Cholesterol: 50mg | Sodium: 783mg | Potassium: 249mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 12g | Vitamin A: 4974IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 228mg | Iron: 3mg

If you enjoyed these recipes make sure to leave a comment and a star rating below!

Then follow us on social media and tag #createkidsclub if you make the recipe. We love seeing what you come up with!

Pumpkin Pancake Recipe (2024)


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