Planning Solutions Inc.€¦ · Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (2024)

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (1)

Planning Solutions Inc.

Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning andresource management services. Planning Solutions Inc. (PSI) is recognized for its abilityto leverage social capital at the community level and for producing documents thatreflect consensus perspective. Karen Wianecki, Director of Practice, is a RegisteredProfessional Planner and Member in good standing with both the Canadian Institute ofPlanners and the Ontario Professional Planners Institute. She is a qualified mediatorand professional facilitator who specializes in stakeholder engagement. Planning

Solutions Inc. has been providing professional planning expertise to public and private sector clientssince 2000. PSI believes in providing a customized approach to address the needs of individual clientsand promotes a whole team approach to project management. As a former provincial plannerresponsible for approving Official Plans and Zoning By-laws on behalf of the Province, and as the formerMunicipal Plan Input & Review Coordinator for the Ministry of Natural Resources, Karen has a broadbase of experience in municipal, provincial and resource management policy development andimplementation.

PSI’s key strength is an ability to develop strong collaborative processes and partnerships. KarenWianecki, Director of Practice is a seasoned facilitator, mediator, expert communicator, professionalplanner who has worked with many communities to develop plans for the future while honouring thediverse and at times diverging perspectives of participants. As a leader in collaborative process and co-creative planning, PSI has partnered with public agencies and communities. PSI works collaborativelywith communities - municipalities, government, private sector, First Nations and citizens to developpolices, plans and programs by advancing effective and successful civic engagement in public sectordecision-making processes. A Company Profile has been included in Appendix B.

Some of our most recent and particularly relevant projects include the following:

Recent & Relevant Experience

Karen Wianecki Currently working with Baird Engineering and Dr. Larry Hildebrand to developa Nearshore Framework for the Great Lakes. Under contract to EnvironmentCanada.

Facilitated hundreds of community meetings.

Designed multiple community and stakeholder engagement processes,working with upper levels of government, municipalities and ConservationAuthorities across Ontario.

Developed Strategic Plans for KRCA, GRCA, Grand River CA, NVCA, LPRCA.

Currently developing Strategic Plans for CLOCA and LSRCA.

Developed watershed planning and regulation policy manuals for CVC, KRCAand ORCA.

Facilitated workshops for MNR to address coastal process and climate changein the Great Lakes.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (2)


Karen Wianecki, M.Pl., MCIP, RPP EDUCATION MASTER OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario 1985 HONOURS BACHELOR OF ARTS (SPECIALIST) DEGREE, GEOGRAPHY University of Toronto, Scarborough, Ontario 1981 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Canadian Institute of Planners, Full Member Ontario Professional Planners Institute, Full Member

Ontario Bar Association, ADR Sector Member Ontario Waterpower Association, Member National Association for Dialogue & Deliberation National Roster & Native Sub-Roster, U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, Tucson Arizona, Roster Mediator

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE DIRECTOR OF PRACTICE, Planning Solutions Inc. Founder and Director of Practice of Planning Solutions Inc., a professional consulting firm specializing in multi-party stakeholder engagement and conflict resolution, complex project management and resource-based planning. Service offering and clients are outlined below:

Public Consultation & Stakeholder Engagement: Applying Systems Thinking to Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Development & Training Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. 2014.

Environment Canada. Toward A Nearshore Framework for the Canadian Portion of the Great Lakes. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. 2013.

City of Toronto. Moore Park Ravine Private Property Owners Engagement Project. 2013/2014.

Infrastructure Ontario. Muskoka Regional Centre Opportunity Study. Community Engagement Strategy. 2013.

Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. Negotiations & Reconciliation Division. October 2011.

Ontario Waterpower Association. May 2011.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Species at Risk Branch. April 2011.

Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority. 2010.

Ontario Public Service. 2009.

Federal Government: Environment Canada. Advancing a Canadian Nearshore Framework for the Great Lakes. A Collaborative

Initiative with Baird & Associates and Dr. Larry Hildebrand, 2013/2014.

Environment Canada. Development of a Project Charter & Project Plan for an Integrated Nearshore Assessment & Management Framework. 2012/2013.

Fisheries & Oceans Canada. Aligning & Harmonizing Federal & Provincial EA Regulatory Policy, Procedures & Process. Inter-Agency & Intergovernmental Workshop. January 2012.

Fisheries & Oceans Canada. Developing a New Business Agreement with the Saugeen Ojibway Nation. 2012.

Parks Canada. Developing a Business/Governance Agreement with the Saugeen Ojibway Nation. In Development. 2012, 2013.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (3)


Provincial Government: Infrastructure Ontario. Muskoka Regional Centre. Opportunities Assessment & Optimal Use Study.

Community Engagement and Outreach. MHBC Planning Lead. 2013/2014. (Ongoing)

Hydro One. Clarington Transformer Station. Community Consultation & Public Information Centre. 2012.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources: o Lake Simcoe Stewardship Network. Facilitation. 2013, 2014. o Endangered Species Act Minister’s Advisory Panel. Facilitation. 2013. o Provincial Stakeholder Consultations – Polar Bear & Lake Sturgeon. February – March 2012. o Biodiversity & Climate Change – A Series of MNR Workshops. March – April 2012. o Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation Options for the Northeast Clay Belt.

January 2012. o Stakeholder Consultation – Habitat Regulations for 7 Species (Bent Spike-rush; Common Five-

lined Skink, Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian & Georgian Bay populations), Gray Ratsnake (Carolinian & Frontenac Axis population) & Rapids Clubtail. January 2012.

o Bobolink Working Group – Action Planning Session. December 2011. o Proposed Habitat Regulations & Development Guidance Document. Workshop Facilitation

with the Development Industry. March 2011. o Stakeholder Consultations. Caribou Conservation Plan. & Habitat Regulations. 2008, 2009.

2011. o State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario, Advisory Committee & Technical Expert Panels.

2009. o Species At Risk Program Advisory Committee Inaugural Meeting. 2008. o Lakes & Rivers Improvement Act Technical Advisory Committee Facilitation. 2006 – 2009. o Great Lakes Charter Annex Advisory Panel Facilitation. o Great Lakes Charter Annex Intra-Basin Transfer Facilitation. o Renewable Energy Education Advisory Committee.

Saskatchewan Industry & Resources. Intergovernmental Working Group on Mining Efficiency & Effectiveness.

First Nations: Respecting Aboriginal Way of Life Northeast Superior Regional Chiefs’ Forum. Comprehensive, Collaborative and Co-Creative Community

Planning. 2013.

Eagle’s Earth Cree & Ojibway Historical Centre, Hearst, Ontario. Economic Opportunities Study. First Nations Engagement & Facilitation. Undertaken with Malone Given Parsons. 2009.

Facilitated the Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Focus Group for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources designed to develop a Statement of Aboriginal Perspectives on the Use & Application of Way of Life Knowledge in Resource Management Decision Making.

Facilitated the Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge Focus Group responsible for providing direction and guidance to Ontario Parks on the updated Provincial Parks & Protected Areas Planning Manual.

Municipal & Regional Government: Creating a Sense of Ownership - Engaging Communities & Community Members.

Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation Board of Directors. Provincial Position on the 2015 Provincial Review of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. Facilitation. 2014.

City of Burlington. Transportation Master Plan. A Project Undertaken with Cole Engineering Group Ltd. 2012.

Ajax, Carruthers Creek Flood Mitigation Study (Class EA). Community Consultation. A Project Undertaken with Cole Engineering Group Ltd. 2010, 2011.

Peterborough, Sanitary Sewer EA Mitigation. Stakeholder Consultation. A Project Undertaken with Cole Engineering Group Ltd. 2010, 2011.

Regional Municipality of York:

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (4)


o Transportation Services Division. Operationalizing the Transportation Master Plan. Staff Workshop. 2011.

o Transportation Services Division, Lands & Natural Heritage. Stakeholder Workshop to Advance the Greening Strategy. October 2011.

o Transportation Services Division. Context Sensitive Solutions. Internal Staff Workshop. October 2011.

o Transportation Services Division. South Yonge Street Corridor Master Plan. Undertaken with The EDA Collaborative Inc. 2011.

Township of Georgian Bay: o Honey Harbour Master Plan – Civic Engagement Process Design & Facilitation. Undertaken

with The EDA Collaborative Inc. 2010, 2011. o MacTier Master Plan – Civic Engagement Process Design & Facilitation. Undertaken with The

EDA Collaborative Inc. 2010, 2011. o Port Severn Master Plan – Civic Engagement Process Design & Facilitation. Undertaken with

The EDA Collaborative Inc and J.H. Stevens Planning Consultants. 2008, 2009.

Township of East Garafraxa. Visioning Exercise. 2008.

City of Hamilton. Windermere Basin Design Charette. Undertaken with Cole Engineering. 2008.

Town of Whitby. Toward a Heritage Designation for Downtown Whitby. 2013.

Industry: Building Effective Partnerships Ontario Waterpower Association

o Waterpower Summit: Bilateral Meeting of Industry & Government: Advancing Hydroelectric Power in Ontario. 2008.

o Developing an Industry, Government & First Nations Hydropower Community of Practice. Inaugural Meeting. 2008.

Canadian Dam Association. Strategic Plan & Business Plan Review. 2007.

Conservation Authorities: Promoting Productive Dialogue Conservation Ontario. Source Protection Planning Implementation Workshop Facilitation. March 2014.


Conservation Ontario. Aligning for Excellence. Governance Options & Opportunities Project. 2013.

Conservation Halton. Fisheries Management Plan – Community Advisory Committee Inaugural Workshop. Design & Facilitation. 2011.

Credit Valley Conservation: o Sustainable Funding Project. 2011, 2012. o Planning Services Enhancement Project. 2011. o Towards A Natural Heritage System. Focused Dialogues With Stakeholders and Watershed

Residents. 2009. o Development Review Policies Update. 2008, 2009. o Strategic Plan Review. 2008. o Black Creek Subwatershed Study. Inaugural Advisory Committee Meeting. 2008.

Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority:

Source Water Protection Municipal Partners Workshop. 2012.

Source Water Protection for the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region. Facilitation of the Policy & Planning Working Group. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.

Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy (LSEMS) Governance Model. Facilitation of the LSEMS Working Group and Steering Committee. A Partnership between the LSRCA, MNR and MOE. 2007.

South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region. Facilitation of Planning Working Group. Commenced: September 2009.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (5)


Resource Management & Municipal Planning: Balancing the Interests of Uses & Users City of Toronto, Moore Park Ravine - Private Ravine Property Owners Engagement Project. Developing

Resource Materials & Engaging the Community. 2013/2014. Ongoing.

Environment Canada. Lessons Learned Report on the Zero Discharge Demonstration Project. PSI is working with EC & the US Michigan Pollution Control Agency to Complete Key Informant Interviews & Review the Final Report. 2014. Ongoing.

Grand River Conservation Authority. Water Management Plan. Steering Committee Facilitation. 2009.

Kawartha Region Conservation Authority. Watershed Planning & Regulation Policies. 2010. 2011.

Otonabee Region Conservation Authority. Watershed Planning & Regulation Policies Update. 2012.

Ministry of the Environment: o Lake Simcoe Priority Stormwater Management Works. Lake Simcoe Protection Plan Workshop.

2011. o Lake Simcoe Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. Facilitation of Science Panel Meeting &

Production of Report Used to inform the EBR Posting Submitted by MOE. 2011.

Ministry of Natural Resources: o Development of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Process for Resource Stewardship Agreements,

associated with Forest Management Planning in Ontario o MNR Negotiating Team Member, Extraction of Aggregate Below the Water Table on Prime

Agricultural Lands (Position Negotiated with the Ministry of Agriculture & Food) o Municipal Plan Input & Review Coordinator. o Coordinated MNR Response to Ontario Hydro Demand/Supply Plan Hearings.

Township of Georgian Bay: o Master Plan, MacTier. A Joint Venture with The EDA Collaborative. 2011. o Master Plan, Honey Harbour. 2011. o Master Plan. Port Severn. A Joint Venture with The EDA Collaborative. A Joint Venture with The

EDA Collaborative. 2009/2010.

York Region. South Yonge Street Corridor Master Plan. Completed with the EDA Collaborative Inc.

Fact Finding & Program Evaluation: Doing Things Right & Doing the Right Things. Credit Valley Conservation. Planning Program – Customer Service Enhancement Initiative. 2011.

Durham Family Court Clinic. Program Evaluation. Interim Assessment of the Mediation & Information Services Provided to the Superior Court of Justice (Family Division), Durham Region.

Environment Canada. Lessons Learned & Achievements Report of the $30 Million Lake Simcoe Clean Up Fund. 2011.

Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing. Program Evaluation Plan for Ontario’s Land Use Planning Program. 2009.

Ministry of Natural Resources: o Program Evaluation. Evaluation of Ontario’s Water Resource Management Strategies & Flood

Damages. o Assessment of Forest Management Plans in Ontario & the Recognition of Resource Based Tourism


Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority – Planning Program Review. 2010.

Saskatchewan Environment. Corporate Policy & Planning Realignment. 2008.

Report Writing: Providing Clarity & Guidance Association for Conflict Resolution. Co-Writer. The Native Dispute Resolution Network: A Bridge Between

Native Peoples, Agencies and Other Interests in Environmental Conflicts. 2008.

CEATI Technology Review Report. Prepared for CEA Technologies Inc. Hydropower Full Environmental Cost Accounting. Undertaken with MOBEC Engineering & P. Norris. 2007.

CEATI Report. Hydroelectric Generation Water Resource Management Roadmap. Undertaken with MOBEC Engineering & P. Norris. 2006.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (6)


Environment Canada. Lessons Learned & Achievements Report for the Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund. Spring 2011.

Ontario Waterpower Association. Renew. “Splendid Isolation Is Out…Collaboration Is In.” October 2008.

Saskatchewan Environment Forest Service. Provincial Standards for Road Construction & Stream Crossings. 2008. Undertaken with Water’s Edge, Merin Forest Management & FRI Ecological Services

Editor, Lakes & Rivers Technical Guidelines Update. 2006-2009.

Strategic Planning: Embarking On The Path of Progress Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Updated Strategic Plan for 2015-2020. A Collaborative Effort with JD &

Associates. 2014. (Ongoing)

Canadian Dam Association. Strategic Plan & Business Plan Review. 2006.

Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation. Developing a Strategic Research & Development Framework for Sustainable Mines and Sustainable Mining.

Conservation Ontario: o The Future of Water & Watershed Management. Effective Positioning of Ontario Conservation

Authorities. 2012. o Strategic Visioning Workshop. 2009.

Credit Valley Conservation Agency. Strategic Plan Review. 2007.

Grand River Conservation Authority. Strategic Plan Review. 2008.

Kawartha Region Conservation Authority. Strategic Plan Update. 2011.

Lac La Ronge Indian Band Strategic Plan. 2006.

Long Point Region Conservation Authority. Strategic Planning Retreat. September 2009.

Ministry of the Environment. Draft Strategic Plan, 2008/09.

Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing. Enhancing the Planning Services Delivery System from a Strategic vantage point.

Ministry of Natural Resources. Species At Risk Strategic Visioning & Priority Setting Workshop. 2010.

Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority. Strategic Plan Review. 2013.

Northumberland County Domestic Violence Monitoring Committee. Critical Priority Setting & Governance Model Development. 2012.

Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority. Strategic Plan.

Ontario Waterpower Association: o Strategic Plan Update. Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities & Pressures Analysis Using Electronic

Survey Data. Input to be utilized in the new OWA Strategic Plan. March 2012.

Environmental Mediation & Adjudication: Specializing in Multi-Party, Public Policy Disputes Ontario Energy Board. Union Gas 2011 Earnings Sharing & Disposition of Deferral Accounts and Other

Balances Settlement Conference. 2012.

Ministry of Natural Resources & Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement. Abitibi River Forest. Options to Address the Caribou Conservation Plan. 2012.

Ministry of Natural Resources – Low Water Response Workshop. Mediation, Negotiation & Issues Management: A Primer. 2009.

Saskatchewan Forest Service. Co-Mediator with Frank Handy, SFH Group – Multi-Party Stakeholder & First Nation Issue in North-Central Saskatchewan. 2008

Staff Support to the Ontario Forest Industry & Resource-Based Tourism Sector, Resource Stewardship Agreements Memorandum of Understanding.

Victim Offender Reconciliation Program. Community Mediator.

1999 – 2002 PROJECT COORDINATOR - Alternative Dispute Resolution Program, Forest Management Branch, Ministry of Natural Resources 1997 – 1999 POLICY ADVISOR - Lands & Waters Policy Branch, Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (7)


1994 – 1995 A/MANAGER, STRATEGIC PLANNING - Corporate Policy & Planning Branch, Ministry of Natural

Resources, Toronto 1990 – 1994 POLICY OFFICER - Corporate Policy & Planning Branch, Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto 1987 – 1990 PROGRAM COORDINATOR - Plan Input & Review Program, Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto 1987 POLICY ADVISOR - Ontario Buildings Branch, Ministry of Housing, Toronto 1986 – 1987 PROJECT PLANNER - Plans Administration Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Toronto 1983 – 1986 COMMUNITY PLANNER - Plans Administration Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Toronto

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (8)

Aqua Solutions 5 Inc. (AQ5 )

Mary Judith (Judy) Sullivan, (P. Eng.) has over 32 years of experience working across the province and

offers a variety of professional engineering and project management services including: coastal

engineering, coastal zone, shoreline management. Judy Sullivan, P. Eng. is the President of Aqua

Solutions 5 Inc. and is a professional civil engineer with over thirty two years experience, bringing in a

unique expertise in the fields of coastal, river and geotechnical engineering, adaptive integrated

shoreline and watershed management, assessment, policy, technical guidelines and standards

development. Ms. Sullivan has conducted numerous structural assessments for coastal structures and

has been project manager for many shoreline construction projects over her 32 year career as a coastal

engineer. She has been an expert witness in several litigation cases related to coastal engineering issues,

Provincial Policy and CA Regulations. Ms. Sullivan is involved in projects which integrate the physical

processes, engineering, planning, and environmental aspects of ecosystem management along coastal

environments and watershed systems. She is involved various in multi-disciplinary team projects,

integrating the natural hazard issues with planning, physical processes, environmental, social and

economic aspects of project management.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (9)

Email: [emailprotected] P & F: 905-604-1295 Pag


Aqua Solutions 5 Inc.Judy Sullivan, P. Eng.President

15 Woodglen Way,Markham, Ontario L3R 3A8Phone & Fax: 905-604-1295


Bachelor of Applied Science (Civil Engineering), Queen’sUniversity, Kingston, ON, 1983

Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), Member

Canadian Coastal Science and Engineering Association(CCSEA), Board of Directors

Coastal Zone Canada (CZC), Member

Certified (NAUI) diver

Newbury Hydraulics (March 2009) 2 day Stream RestorationDesign Course by Bob Newbury

May 2009 – Present

Aqua Solutions 5 Inc., President

2008 – April 2009

Water’s Edge Environmental Solutions Team Ltd. Senior ProjectManager

2006 – 2008

The Jones Consulting Group,

Senior Project Engineer


Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR),

Source Water Protection, Senior Policy Advisor

1997 – 2006

Aqua Solutions, President

1992 – 1997

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR),

Coastal and River Engineer

1985 – 1992

Toronto & Region Conservation Authority

Coastal and River Engineer


Public Works Canada & Canadian Coast Guard

Coastal Engineer


Johnson Sustronk Weinstein + Associates,

Jr. Coastal Engineer


Ms. Sullivan has been an ‘expert witness’ for various litigationon shoreline issues related to the Provincial Policy Statement(PPS) and the CA’s “Regulation of Development, Interferencewith Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines andWatercourses” legislation (Flooding, Erosion & DynamicBeaches).

On behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resource (MNR) Ms.Sullivan developed and provided the Technical ShorelineTraining (Flooding, Erosion & Dynamic Beaches) for the GreatLakes, Large Inland Lakes and St. Lawrence River to all of theConservation Authorities Staff across the Province.

Ms. Sullivan was co-author with the MNR staff of theOMNR Understanding the Hazards document: OMNR.(2001) . Understanding Natural Hazards. Great Lakes – St.Lawrence River System and large inland lakes, river andstream systems and hazardous site. An introductory guidefor public health and safety policies 3.1 provincial pociystatement. Published by Queen’s Printer for Ontario. Copyright© 2001 The Queen's Printer for Ontario.The Provincial Natural Hazards Training Manual –‘Understanding the Hazards’ included the following arearequirements; Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River System (Flooding,

Erosion & Dynamic Beach), Large Inland Lakes (Flooding, Erosion & Dynamic

Beach), River and Stream Systems (Flooding & Erosion), ‘Technical Guide for River and Stream Systems:

Erosion Hazard’, ‘The Hazardous Sites Technical Guide’. ‘Stable Slopes - Geotechnical Principles’ for the

Province of Ontario’,

Ms Sullivan worked as a team member (one of the authors) inthe development of the PPS Section 3.1: Public Health andSafety Policy and the final production of the following technicaldocuments:

OMNR (200) . Great Lakes — St. Lawrence River Systemand Large Inland Lakes Technical Guides for flooding,erosion and dynamic beaches in support of Natural HazardsPolicies 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement (1997) of thePlanning Act. Published by Watershed Science Centre,Copyright © 2001 The Queen's Printer for Ontario.

OMNR (2001). Dynamic Beach‘s for the Great Lakes – St.Lawrence River. Published by Watershed Science Centre,Copyright © 2001 The Queen's Printer for Ontario.

Ms. Sullivan was part of the team which developed andproduced the technical guides. It was a multiyear project wherecoastal engineering processes were detailed and procedures




Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (10)

Email: [emailprotected] P & F: 905-604-1295 Pag


outlined on what the hazards were and the requirements onhow to address the flooding, erosion and Dynamic Beachhazards could be considered. This involved research,identification of needs, criteria development and refinement ofthe policy and the supporting technical documentation forcoastal shorelines. A procedure to ensure and promote theintegration of a decision-making process between addressingthe physical coastal hazards, while ensuring the protectionand enhancement of the environment (aquatic and terrestrial)was developed. Currently the Municipalities, Townships,Regional and County governments use these Guidelines tocarry out their PPS responsibilities, and the ConservationAuthorities also use them to assist them in carrying out theirnew “Regulation of Development, Interference with Wetlandsand Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses” Regulationsthroughout the province.

Coastal Engineering and Hazard Management Assessments(Flooding, Erosion and Dynamic Beach) for numerous privateshoreline sites along the Great Lakes, Large and Small InlandLakes (e.g., Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, LakeErie, Lake Simcoe, etc.). Site and structure assessments,evaluations, reports, construction works inspection andmanagement, recommendations on approaches to satisfy thevarious approval agencies (e.g. Federal Department ofFisheries and Oceans (DFO), Ontario Ministry of NaturalResources (MNR), Transport Canada (TC), localConservation Authorities (CA), Municipalities & Townships)have been carried out. A variety of sites conditions involvecoastal; erosion processes, flooding, dynamic beach, slopestability issues, design of shoreline structures, assessment ofexisting shoreline structures, dredging, docking andboathouse construction and approvals.

Ms. Sullivan carried out the Credit Valley Conservation(CVC) Shoreline Inspection and Inventory Assessment:Structural Assessment Version 1.2 Final Report (Nov 2014)as part of the CVC LOISS Assessment of CoastalEngineering Structures Report. Just over 6 km of the CVCshoreline was assessed; consisting of conducting fieldinvestigations and evaluations, shoreline characterization,maintenance and monitoring priorities. She developed anevaluation criteria and a ranking system, evaluating siteconditions and characteristics of the shoreline andprotection works was carried out. Priority sites wereidentified and ranked for {1-Risk of Damage, 2-StrucutreFailure, 3-Personal Safety, 4- Material Condition 5-Environmental Considerations). Recommendations for thefuture restoration/rehabilitation opportunities and futureshoreline construction were also made.

Ms. Sullivan is currently conducting site inventoryassessments of the shoreline characteristics, shorelinestructure conditions, and erosion for 15 Islands along ofshoreline of the St. Lawrence River. Ms. Sullivan also carriedout a general assessment of the shoreline structures anderosion, along with a literature review on ship erosion.

Conducted evaluations of Shoreline Structures for The Townof Oakville in 2005-06 and again in 2011-12. The projectconsisted of conducting field investigations and evaluations,shoreline characterization, development of evaluation

criteria and ranking system, evaluation of current conditionsand characteristics of the shoreline and protection works.Priority sites were identified which will need immediateprotection works, potential recommendations for the shorelineconstruction and rehabilitation projects, which will meet therequirements of the various agencies. Project costs wereestimated for the high priority sites that will need immediateattention. Development of an evaluation scale for Risk ofDamage, Personal Safety, Material Condition, Materialperformance, and Environmental Factors was carried out.Based on the assessment of the conditions and theevaluation scale, the sites were prioritized outlining;immediate or potential construction/rehabilitation, and/ormonitoring. The data was compiled into a GIS-baseddatabase containing the inventory as well as a summary ofthe existing conditions

Conducted numerous assessments of shoreline structuresthroughout the province; reviewed life expectancy of thestructures, make recommendations for maintenance, repairsand/or reconstruction of structures. Associated liabilities (risk ofFailure), risk management options and costing are routinelycarried out throughout these assessments. Ms. Sullivan hasbeen project manager for numerous shoreline constructionprojects over her 30 year career as a coastal engineer.

Ms. Sullivan provided assistance as the Adaptive ManagementCoordinator to the International Joint Commission (IJC) for theUpper Great Lakes Study. This involved review of variousaspects of the Adaptive Management Technical WorkingGroup (AMTWG) which focused on many aspects of the UpperGreat Lakes Study; Elements of AM Strategy, Risk Evaluation& Plausibility analysis for future scenario’s (e.g. climate changemodels, Stochastic, Paleo etc.), Coping Zones, Multi-lakeRegulation, Governance & Institutional Analysis, Outreach, andAM Findings and Recommendations. She assisted theAMTWG in review of documentation to support the AM areasof study and compiled their findings and recommendations tothe Study Board for the Outreach Section of the Study BoardReport. She also provided assistance to the Coastal TechnicalWorking Group, coping zone, monitoring and PerformanceIndicator reports.

Provided an initial coastal engineering assessment andrecommendations for the development of a Master Plan forLafontaine Beach Park on Lake Huron, in the Township ofTiny. As part of the multi-disciplinary design team; identify theDynamic Beach hazards setback and assist the design team inprioritizing areas for the development of the waterfront planwhile maintain the protection of the natural features of the park.

In conjunction with Coldwater Consulting Ltd. and NRSI Inc.the next phase of the project moved forward with the Class EAprocess for Lafontaine Park. Determination of the approvalrequirements, feasibility for the possible options andopportunities for improvement to the water quality andrecreational swimming at the park was the main focus of thestudy. Ms. Sullivan is currently the Project Manager andconducting a Municipal Class EA project for this project. Thepublic has been involved throughout the development ofvarious Phases of the project.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (11)

Email: [emailprotected] P & F: 905-604-1295 Pag


Provided an initial coastal engineering assessment andrecommendations for the development of a Master Plan forLafontaine Beach Park on Lake Huron, in the Township ofTiny. As part of the multi-disciplinary design team; identify theDynamic Beach hazards setback and assist the design teamin prioritizing areas for the development of the waterfront planwhile maintain the protection of the natural features of thepark.

In conjunction with Coldwater Consulting Ltd. and NRSI Inc.the next phase of the project moved forward with the ClassEA process for Lafontaine Park. Determination of theapproval requirements, feasibility for the possible options andopportunities for improvement to the water quality andrecreational swimming at the park was the main focus of thestudy. Ms. Sullivan is currently the Project Manager andconducting a Municipal Class EA project for this project. Thepublic has been involved throughout the development ofvarious Phases of the project.

Ms. Sullivan in conjunction with Coldwater Consulting Ltd.,carried out a study for the MNR for Lake Ontario and The St.Lawrence River shorelines. The IJC study whichrecommended a new regulation plan (referred to as Plan2007) and this was the basis for the MNR study. Theproposed IJC approach was examined and the existingOntario policy instruments, programs and their effectivenessalong with the implications of a long-term monitoring andadaptive management program, the shoreline managementand shoreline policy issues and how they affect the provinceof Ontario were reviewed.

The study also reviewed current shoreline practices andmade further recommendations on possible approaches onhow the Province can assist in addressing the IJCdevelopment of an adaptive management and monitoringprogram. The study included a review and identification ofissues from policy/planning, science/research andintegration/government perspectives and identifiedapproaches which could be considered to support the futuredevelopment of an integrated adaptive management andmonitoring approach for Lake Ontario and The St. LawrenceRiver shorelines.Ms. Sullivan provided coastal engineering peer reviewservices for the proposal ‘Review for Sediment Management& Dredging Strategy’ in the Municipality of Port Hope. MsSullivan assisted the Ganaraska Region ConservationAuthority (GRCA) engineering staff in the review andassessment of several coastal proposals for a project whichwas to assess the dredging issues along Port Hope Harbour.

Provided coastal engineering peer review services for theMaitland Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) for arevetment design along the Lake Huron shoreline. Anassessment of the project consisted of a review of the MVCARegulation, Provincial Planning Policy and Technical Guides(review of the key aspects of addressing the hazards, theslope stability assessment, interpretation of the policy andresulting setbacks), which support the MVCA Regulation,along with the coastal aspects of the project. Ms. Sullivanprovided recommendations to the MVCA on adherence to thetechnical requirements with respect to the Provincial Policy

Statement (PPS) documents and the design of the revetmentstructure which also support the Authority’s shorelineregulation. She also has provided review for the revetmentconstruction, site inspection, maintenance and continuingmonitoring program.

Conducted a Coastal Flood Damage Study for Central LakeOntario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) along the Port DarlingtonShoreline. This study assessed shoreline characteristics, the typeand degree of hazards (flooding, erosion, dynamic beach alongLake Ontario & Mouth of Creeks). An evaluation ranking systemwas developed; a field evaluation of current conditions andcharacteristics of the shoreline was also conducted. The highpriority sections of the shoreline were identified, planning andpolicy recommendations were made on how to deal with thesehazard sections along the shoreline. Existing development that iswithin the Hazardous areas were evaluated and recommendationswere made following the Provincial Policy Technical Guidelines.Planning options were proposed on possible directions, which theConservation Authority and Municipality could take for future andexisting development proposals within the high priority hazardareas. Emergency evacuation routes were also recommended inaccordance with Provincial Recommendations.

Provided coastal engineering assessment and recommendationsfor the; review, updating and redevelopment of the City of OrilliaWaterfront Master Plan. Recommended repairs and thereconstruction of existing structures and possible futuredevelopment sites. Reviewed and recommended docking andalternative boat launching facilities across the City waterfront parksystems. As part of the multi-disciplinary team; prioritized areasfor the development of the waterfront plan, identified areas inwhich traffic and public walkway where public safety was an issue,identified problems and recommended options to address thesafety issues

Ms. Sullivan developed and provided the Technical ShorelineTraining (Flooding, Erosion & Dynamic Beaches) for the GreatLakes, Large Inland Lakes and St. Lawrence River to all of theConservation Authorities Staff across the Province on behalf ofMNR (March 2011).

Presentations have been made at numerous public meetings,open houses, council meetings and training sessions (e.g.,Canadian Coastal Science and Engineering Conference,International Natural Channel Conference, Guelph and Queen’sUniversity, Seneca College, International Polish delegation,engineering seminars, Conservation Authorities, UrbanDevelopment Industry, planning groups, Canadian Association ofMontessori Teachers Conference, and a variety of local schools).

Topics on coastal, river and geotechnical engineering, watershedmanagement strategies, and municipal, environmental, ecosystemplanning, Class Environmental Assessments were designed andpresented.

Speaker at the “Your Watersheds Our Great Lakes,” A.D. LatornellConservation Symposium. The session was entitled “Applicationsof the New Generic Shoreline Regulations” and discussed theissues related to the applications of slope stability, average annualrecession rates, flooding, erosion and dynamic beach criteriaalong shorelines for the CA’s Shoreline Regulations.

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Robin G.D. Davidson-Arnott CONTACTS Department of Geography, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, N1G 2W1 Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 56719 (secretary) FAX (519) 837-2940 e-mail [emailprotected] web page home phone: (416) 231-2110; mobile (416) 347-7125 POSITIONS HELD: 2009- Professor Emeritus Geography, University of Guelph 1992-93 Scientist Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (seconded) 1988-2009 Professor, Geography, University of Guelph. 1980-88 Associate Professor, Geography, University of Guelph. 1976-80 Assistant Professor, Geography, University of Guelph. 1975-76 Assistant Professor, Geography, University of Toronto (visiting) 1989 (and 4 Acting Chair, Geography, University of Guelph. subsequent occasions) DEGREES: B.A. Geography, University of Toronto 1970. M.A. Geography, University of Toronto 1971. Ph.D. Geography, University of Toronto 1975. CAREER INVOLVEMENT IN GRADUATE STUDENT SUPERVISION MSc. Thesis supervisor 35 Doctoral Thesis supervisor 6 RESEARCH FUNDING RECEIVED My research until retirement was funded through grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Discovery grants; Special Opportunities Research grant and Equipment grants); Parks Canada, and in 2011 as a Co-investigator on a National Science Foundation (USA) research grant (D. Sherman and J. Ellis Principal Investigators). CONSULTING AND ADVISORY ACTIVITIES

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While I am gradually winding down my research following retirement in 2009, I continue to be active as a consultant and advisor to various government organisations as well as working with groups and individual property owners in the Great Lakes and east coast of Canada on issues related to coastal erosion, coastal management and the effects of climate change. Recent and relevant activities include: Consultant to the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority on updating their Shoreline Management Plan, 2015-2016. (with Judy Sullivan, Coastal Engineer, Aqua Solutions; Karen Wianeki, Facilitator and Moderator, Planning Solutions Inc.; and Ryan Mulligan, Coastal Engineer, Queens University, Ontario – my primary role was to advise on dynamic beach and dune systems, erosion of cohesive bluff shorelines and determination of long-term recession rates for incorporation in setbacks for new development. Shoreline Management Plan, Consultant Recommendation Report, Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, August 2016. 126pp. + 5 appendices. Consultant to Parks Canada, PEI National Park, July-September, 2016. Locating a new Dune Crossing Structure at Cavendish’s Main Beach: Geomorphic Considerations. 7 pages (with Dr. Jeff Ollerhead, Mount Allison University. Consultant to Regional Municipality of Halton, City of Burlington and Halton Conservation, 2014-2015 to develop a new Master Plan, Environmental Monitoring and Restoration Plan, Implementation Plan and Communication Strategy for the Burlington Beach Regional Waterfront Park. (with Brook McIlroy Landscape Architects, in association with: SENES/Arcadis, Cole Engineering Group Ltd – my primary role was as the beach/dune expert working with SENES). Advisor to Long Point Provincial Park on coastal dune restoration Fall, 2014 – replanting of marram and development of a virtual fence system to guide access to the beach Consultant to Parks Canada, PEI National Park – remediation of beach and dune resources, Cavendish Beach, June, 2014 – development of a virtual fence system, improved walkway access to the beach and replanting of marram. Consultant to the Geological Survey of Colombia at their First International Technical Workshop on the Marine Geology and Coastal Engineering of the Caribbean Coast of Colombia, November 13-16, 2013. Presented 4 lectures on: Dynamics of Sand and Gravel Beaches; Dynamics of Coastal Sand Dunes; Dynamics of Sand and Gravel Barriers; Shoreline Management Planning – the Ontario Experience. Advisor to the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation – Advisor to the Long Point Conservation Authority on Coastal Processes 2012-

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Advisor to Credit Valley Conservation Authority on the development of their Lake Ontario Integrated Shoreline Strategy (LOISS) - 2012- Consultant to Parks Canada, PEI National Park - development of a Coastal Dune Integrity Measure for Ecological Monitoring. - January, 2012. Consultant to Parks Canada, PEI National Park on strategies for redesigning dune crossings and beach access boardwalks in the face of sea level rise and coastal erosion - Spring, 2011 Coastal Erosion Issues - a review in support of the Atlantic Provinces Regional Adaptation Collaboration. Report prepared (with Dr. J. Ollerhead, Mount Allison University) for Prince Edward Island Department of Natural Resources and Forestry, 45 pages, March, 2011 Expert witness Ontario Municpal Board Hearing into the potential impact of a proposed condominium development at Crystal Beach, Fort Erie, Canada - Fall, 2010 Canadian Member Coastal Zone Technical Working Group of the International Joint Commission's International Upper Great Lakes Study, 2008-2011. Member of consulting committee for evaluation of proposed strategies for addressing erosion of Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island (Toronto Region Conservation Authority), 2010-2011. Peer review of development proposal, Lake Huron (Maitland Valley Conservation Authority), November 2006-June 2009 (with J. Sullivan, Aqua Solutions). Shoreline mapping and recession rates based on historical aerial photography 1956-2005, Prince Edward Island National Park. Parks Canada, 2006 Shoreline mapping Burloak Park, Lake Ontario. Halton Region Conservation Authority, 2005. Development of Shoreline Management Policy and Technical Guidelines for Ontario Great Lakes (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - 1992-1995. Seconded to Ministry 1992-93) International Joint Commission (Canada/USA) Great Lakes Water Levels Reference Study Phase 1, 1987-89. Environmental Features, Processes and Impacts. (Environment Canada). Member Technical Working Group PUBLICATIONS Books and Chapters in Books Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2013. Nearshore Bars. In: John F. Shroder (ed.) Treatise on

Geomorphology, Volume 10, pp.130-148. San Diego: Academic Press. Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2011. Wave-dominated Coasts. Chapter 5 in Treatise on Estuaries.

Elsevier Scientific, October, 2011.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (15)


Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2010. Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. 442pp.

Reed, D.J, Davidson-Arnott, R and Perillo, G.M.E., 2009. Estuaries, coastal marshes, tidal flats and coastal dunes. In, Slaymaker, O., Spencer, T. and Embleton-Hamann, C. (eds) Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change. Cambridge: Cambridge, University Press, 130-157.

Ollerhead, J., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Scott, A., 2005. Cycles of saltmarsh extension and contraction, Cumberland Basin, Bay of Fundy, Canada. In, Sanjaume, Eulalia and Mateu, Joan F. (editors), Geomorphologia Littoral I Quaternari: Homenatge al Professor V.M. Rossello I Verger, Publicacions Universitat de Valencia, 293-305.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2005. Beach and nearshore instrumentation. In Schwartz, M.L. (editor) Encyclopedia of Beaches and Coasts, Springer, Holland, 130-138.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 2003. Waves and sediment transport in the nearshore zone. In, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLYSS) Section 1.2 in chapter 2.6 Coastal Zone and Estuaries, UNESCO, 14 pp.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2003. Lakebed erosion. In, Keillor, P. (editor), Shore Protection for Great Lakes Property Owners, University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute and US Army Corps of Engineers, 3 pp.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. (Editor), 1991. Proceedings Canadian Symposium on Coastal Sand Dunes. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 471 pp.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1990. "Sandy Beaches and Nearshore Bars," in C.L. Amos, "Modern Sedimentary Processes," Chapter 11 of The Geology of the Continental Margin of Eastern Canada, Geology of Canada, No. 2 (Ottawa: Geological Survey of Canada), pp. 642-645.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Law, M.N., 1990. Seasonal patterns and controls on sediment supply to coastal foredunes, Long Point, Lake Erie, In, Nordstrom, K.F., Psuty, N.P. and Carter, R.W.G. (editors), Coastal Dunes: Form and Process, John Wiley and Sons: 177-200.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., W.G. Nickling and B.D. Fahey (editors), 1982. Research in Glacial, Glacio-fluvial and Glacio-lacustrine Systems, Proceedings of the 6th Guelph Symposium in Geomorphology(Norwich: GeoAbstracts, 1982), 318 pp.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and G.F. Pember, 1980. Morphology and sedimentology of multiple parallel bar systems, Southern Georgian Bay, Ontario in S.B. McCann (editor), The Coastline of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada Paper 80-10, pp. 417-428.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and W.G. Nickling (editors), 1978. Research in Fluvial Systems, Proc. 5th Guelph Symposium in Geomorphology, (Norwich: GeoAbstracts, 214 pp.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and B. Greenwood, 1976. Facies relationships on a barred coast, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. in R.A.Davis, Jr., and R.L. Ethington, (editors), Beach and Nearshore Sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication No. 24, pp. 149-168. Reprinted in R. A. Davis Jr. (editor), Beach and Nearshore Sediments and Processes. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Reprint Series No. l1, (1987), pp. 71-90.

Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1975. Marine bars and nearshore sedimentary processes, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. In, Hails, J. and Carr, A. (eds), Nearshore Sediment Dynamics and Sedimentation, London, John Wiley & Sons, 123-150.

Refereed journal articles

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Walker, I.J., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Bauer, B.O., Hesp. P.A., Delgado-Fernandez, I, Ollerhead, J., and Smyth, T.A.G., 2016. Scale-dependent perspectives on the geomorphology of beach-dune systems. Submitted to Earth Science Reviews, June, 2016

Manson, G.K., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, J., 2016. Attenuation of Wave Energy by Nearshore Sea Ice: Prince Edward Island, Canada. Journal of Coastal Research, 32, 253-263.

Manson, G.K., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Forbes, D.L., 2016. Modelled nearshore sediment transport in open-water conditions, central north shore of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 53, 101–118

Bernard O. Bauer, B.O., Hesp, P.A., Walker, I.J., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2015. Sediment transport (dis)continuity across a beach–dune profile during an offshore wind event. Geomorphology 245, 135–148.

Hesp, P.A., Smyth, T. A.G., Nielsen, P, Walker, I.J., Bauer, B.O. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2015. Flow deflection over a foredune. Geomorphology, 230, 64-74

Bauer, B.O. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G. D., 2014. Aeolian particle flux profiles and transport unsteadiness. Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JF003128

Hesp, P.A, Walker I.J., Chapman, C.A, Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D.,and Bauer, B.O., 2013. Aeolian dynamics over a coastal foredune, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.3444.

Chapman, C.A., Walker, I.J., Hesp, P.A., Bauer, B.O., and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D.and Ollerhead, J. 2013. Reynolds Stress and sand transport over a vegetated foredune, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.3428

Delgado-Fernandez, I., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Bauer, B.O., Walker, I.J., Ollerhead, J. and Rhew, H., 2012. Assessing aeolian beach-surface dynamics using a remote sensing approach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 37, 1651-1660. doi:10.1002/esp.3303.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Bauer, B.O, Walker, I.J. Hesp, P.A., Ollerhead, J. and Chapman, C., 2012. High-frequency sediment transport responses on a vegetated foredune. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 37, 1227-1241. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3275.

Ollerhead, J., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Walker, I.J. and Mathew, S., 2012. Annual to Decadal Morphodynamics of the Foredune System at Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38, 284-298. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3327.

Bauer, B.O., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Walker, I.J., Hesp, P.A and Ollerhead, J., 2012. On the importance of wind direction as a primary control on sediment transport response across a beach-dune system. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 37, 1661-1677. doi:10.1002/esp.3306.

Chapman, C.A., Walker, I.J., Hesp, P.A., Bauer, B.O., and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2012. Turbulent Reynolds Stress and quadrant event activity in wind flow over a coastal foredune, Geomorphology, 151-152, 1-12: doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.11.015

Holland, Tara L, Romero, José Mariscal, Davidson-Arnott, Robin and Cardille, Jeffrey, 2011. Landscape changes in a coastal system undergoing tourism development: implications for Barra de Navidad Lagoon, Jalisco, Mexico. Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía, UNAM, 74, 7-18.

Delgado-Fernandez, I. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2011. Meso-scale aeolian sediment input to coastal dunes: The nature of aeolian transport events. Geomorphology,126, 217-232.

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Mathew, S., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, J., 2010. Evolution of a beach/dune system following overwash during a catastrophic storm: Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward Island, 1936-2005. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47, 273-290.

Delgado-Fernandez, I., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, J., 2009. Application of a remote sensing technique to the study of coastal dunes. Journal of Coastal Research, 25, 1160-1167.

Walker, I.J., Hesp. P.A., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Bauer, B.O. and Ollerhead, J., 2009. Response of three-dimensional flow to variations in the angle of incident flow and profile form of dunes: Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Geomorphology, 105, 127-138.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Bauer, B.O., 2009. Aeolian sediment transport on a beach: Thresholds, intermittency and high frequency variability.Geomorphology, 105, 117-125.

Bauer B.O., Davidson-Arnott R.G.D., Hesp P.A., Namikas S.L., Ollerhead J. and Walker I.J., 2009. Aeolian sediment transport conditions on a beach: Surface moisture, wind fetch, and mean transport rate. Geomorphology, 105, 106-116.

Darke, I., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, Jeff, 2009. Measurement of beach surface moisture using surface brightness. Journal of Coastal Research, 25, 248-256.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Yang, Yanqi, Ollerhead, Jeff,. Hesp, P.A. and Walker, I. J. 2008. The effects of surface moisture on aeolian sediment transport threshold and mass flux on a beach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33, 55-74.

Walker, I.J., Hesp. P.A., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, J., 2007. Topographic effects on airflow over a vegetated foredune: Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Journal of Coastal Research, 22, 1278-1291.

van Proosdij, D., Ollerhead, J. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2006. Seasonal and annual variations in the sediment budget of a temperate, macro-tidal saltmarsh, Bay of Fundy. Marine Geology, 225, 103-127.

van Proosdij, Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, J., 2006. Controls on the spatial patterns of sediment deposition across a macro tidal salt marsh surface over single tidal cycles. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 69, 64-86

Masselink, G., Kroon, A. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2005. Intertidal bar morphodynamics - a review. Geomorphology, 73, 33-49.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2005. A conceptual model of the effects of sea-level rise on sandy coasts. Journal of Coastal Research, 21, 1166-1172.

Yang, Yanqi and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2005. Rapid measurement of surface moisture content on a beach. Journal of Coastal Research, 21, 447-452.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., McQuarrie, K. and Aagaard, T., 2005. The effects of wind gusts on aeolian sediment transport on a beach. Geomorphology, 68, 115-129.

Hesp, P.A, Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Walker I.J., and Ollerhead, J., 2005. Flow dynamics over a foredune at Prince Edward Island, Canada. Geomorphology, 65, 71-84

Aagaard, T., Davidson-Arnott, R., Greenwood B. and Nielsen, J., 2004. Sediment supply from shoreface to dunes: linking sediment transport measurements and long term morphological evolution. Geomorphology, 60, 205-224.

Christiansen, M. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2004. The effects of dune ramps on sediment supply to coastal foredunes, Skallingen Denmark. Geografisk Tidsskrift (Danish Journal of Geography), 104, 29-41.

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Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and van Heyningen, A., 2003. Migration and sedimentology of longshore sandwaves, Long Point, Lake Erie, Canada. Sedimentology, 50, 1123-1137.

Bauer, B.O. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2003. A general framework for modelling sediment supply to coastal dunes including wind angle, beach geometry, and fetch effects. Geomorphology, 49, 89-108.

Dawson, J.C., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, J., 2002. Low-energy morphodynamics of a ridge and runnel system. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue, 36, 198-215.

Davidson-Arnott , R.G.D., van Proosdij, D., Ollerhead, J. and Schostak, L.E., 2002 Hydrodynamics and sedimentation in saltmarshes: Examples from a macrotidal marsh, Bay of Fundy. Geomorphology, 48, 209-231.

Schostak, L.E., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Ollerhead, J. and Kostaschuk, R. A., 2000. Patterns of flow and suspended sediment concentration in a macrotidal saltmarsh creek, Bay of Fundy, Canada. In, K. Pye and J.R.L. Allen (editors), Coastal and Estuarine Environments. Journal of The Geological Society, Special Publication, 175, 59-73.

van Proosdij, D, Ollerhead, J., and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2000. Controls on suspended sediment deposition over single tidal cycles in a macrotidal saltmarsh, Bay of Fundy, Canada In, Pye, K. and Allen, J.R.L. (editors), Coastal and Estuarine Environments. Journal of The Geological Society, Special Publication, 175, 43-57.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Langham, D.R.J., 2000. The effects of softening on nearshore erosion of a cohesive shoreline. Marine Geology, 166, 145-162.

van Proosdij, D., Ollerhead, J., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Schostak, L., 1999. Allen Creek Marsh, a macrotidal temperate saltmarsh. Canadian Geographer (Canadian Landform Examples), 43, 316-322

Aagaard, T, Nielsen, J., Davidson-Arnott, R., Greenwood, B. and Nielsen, N., 1998. Coastal morphodynamics at Skallingen, SW Denmark: High energy conditions. Geografisk Tidsskrift (Danish Journal of Geography), 98,20-30.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., White, D.C. and Ollerhead, J., 1997. The effect of artificial pebble concentrations on eolian sediment transport on a beach. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 34, 1499-1508.

Amin, S.M.N. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1997. A statistical analysis of the controls on rates of bluff recession, Lake Ontario. Journal of Coastal Research, 13, 1093-1101

Lawrence, P.L. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1997. Alongshore wave energy and sediment transport on south-eastern Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Coastal Research, 13, 1004-1015

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Law, M.N., 1996. Measurement and prediction of long-term sediment supply to coastal foredunes. Journal of Coastal Research, 12, 654-663.

Gares, P.A., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Bauer, B.O., Sherman, D.J., Carter, R.W.G, Jackson, D.W.T. and Nordstrom, K.F., 1996. Alongshore variations in aeolian sediment transport, Carrick Finn Strand, Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research, 12, 673-682

Bauer, B.O., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Nordstrom, K.F., Ollerhead, Jeff and Jackson, N.L., 1996. Indeterminacy in aeolian transport across beaches. Journal of Coastal Research, 12, 41-653.

Nordstrom, K.F., Bauer, B.O., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Gares, P.A., Carter, R.W.G., Jackson, D.W.T. and Sherman D.J., 1996. Offshore aeolian sediment transport across a beach: Carrick Finn Strand, Ireland. Journal of Coastal Research, 12, 664-672.

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Amin, S.M.N. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1995. Toe erosion of glacial till bluffs: Lake Erie south shore. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32, 829-837.

Ollerhead, Jeff and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1995. Buctouche Spit, New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Geographer (Canadian Landform Examples), 39, 274-282.

Ollerhead, Jeff and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1995. The evolution of Buctouche Spit, New Brunswick, Canada. Marine Geology, 124, 215-236.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, Jocelyn, 1995. Nearshore erosion on a cohesive shoreline. Marine Geology, 122, 349-365.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Conliffe Reid, H.E., 1994. Sedimentary processes and the evolution of the distal bayside of Long Point, Lake Erie. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31, 1461-1473.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Fisher, J.D., 1992. Spatial and temporal controls on overwash occurrence on a Great Lakes barrier spit. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 29, 102-117.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Pyskir, N.M., 1989. Morphology and formation of an holocene coastal dune field, Bruce Peninsula, Ontario. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 42, 163-170.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and McDonald, R.A., 1989. Nearshore water motion and mean flows in a multiple parallel bar system. Marine Geology, 86, 321-338.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1988. Temporal and spatial controls on beach/dune interaction, Long Point, Lake Erie. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 3, 131-136.

Stewart, C.J. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1988. Morphology, formation and migration of longshore sandwaves; Long Point, Lake Erie, Canada, Marine Geology, 81, 63-77.

Boczar-Karakiewicz, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1987. Nearshore bar formation by non-linear wave processes: A comparison of model results and field data. Marine Geology, 77, 287-304.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1987. Controls on the formation and form of barred nearshore profiles, Geographical Review, 78, 185-193.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1986. Rates of nearshore erosion in glacial till. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 11, 53-58.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and R.D. Kreutzwiser, 1985. Coastal processes and shoreline encroachment: implications for shoreline management in Ontario. The Canadian Geographer, 29, 256-262.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and S.M.N. Amin, 1985. An approach to the problem of coastal erosion in Quaternary sediments, Applied Geography, 5, 99-116.

Greenwood, B., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Hale, P.B and P.R. Mittler, 1984. A Klovan-type box corer for use with SCUBA, Geomarine Letters, 4, 59-62.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Randall, D.C., 1984. Spatial and temporal variations in spectra of storm waves across a barred nearshore. Marine Geology, 60, 15-30.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and H.I. Keizer, 1982. Shore protection in the town of Stoney Creek, Southwest Lake Ontario, 1934-1979: Historical changes and durability of structures. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 8, 635-647.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1981. Computer simulation of nearshore bar formation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 6, 23-34.

Askin, R.W. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1981. Micro erosion meter modified for use underwater, Marine Geology, 40, M45-M48.

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Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and W. Pollard, 1980. Wave climate and potential longshore sediment transport patterns, Nottawasaga Bay, Ontario, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 6, 54-67.

Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1979. Sedimentation and equilibrium in wave-formed bars: a review and case study. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 16, 312-332.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Greenwood, B., 1974. Bedforms and structures associated with bar topography in the shallow-water wave environment, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 44, 698-704.

Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1972. Textural variation in the sub-environments of the shallow-water wave zone, Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 9, 679-688.

Greenwood, B. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1972. Quaternary history and sedimentation: a summary and select bibliography Maritime Sediments, 8, 88-100.

Published Conference Proceedings Sherman, Douglas J., Houser, Chris, Ellis, Jean T., Farrell, Eugene J., Li, Bailiang, Davidson-

Arnott, Robin G.D., Baas, Andreas C.W. and Luis Parente Maia, 2013. Characterization of aeolian streamers using time-average videography. Proceedings International Coastal Symposium, Plymouth, England, 1331-1336.

Delgado-Fernandez, Irene, Davidson-Arnott, Robin, Bauer, Bernard, Walker, Ian and Ollerhead, Jeff, 2013. Evaluation of the optimal resolution for characterizing the effect of beach surface moisture derived from remote sensing on aeolian transport. Proceedings International Coastal Symposium, Plymouth, England, 1277-1282.

Davidson-Arnott, Robin, Bauer, Bernard, O., Walker, Ian J. , Hesp, Patrick A., Ollerhead, Jeff and Delgado-Fernandez, Irene, 2009 Instantaneous and mean aeolian sediment transport rate on beaches: an intercomparison of measurements from two sensor types. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), 5 pp.

Delgado-Fernandez, Irene and Davidson-Arnott, Robin, 2009. Sediment input to foredunes: description and frequency of transport events at Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), 5pp.

Hesp, P.A., Walker, I.J., Namikas, S.L., Davidson-Arnott, R., Bauer, B.O., and Ollerhead, J., 2009.Storm wind flow over a foredune, PEI, Canada. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium),5pp.

Walker, I.J., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Hesp, P.A, Bauer,B.O., and Ollerhead, J., 2009. Mean flow and turbulence responses in airflow over foredunes: Has new instrumentation improved our understanding? Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), 5 pp.

Graham, Matt and Davidson-Arnott, Robin, 2005. Shoreline change and sediment transport patterns in the vicinity of Pointe-aux-Pins, Lake Erie: Implications for past and future evolution. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CCSEA, 10pp.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Bauer, B.O., Hesp, P.A., Namikas, S.L., Ollerhead, J.W. and Walker I..J., 2005. Moisture and fetch effects on aeolian sediment transport ratesduring a fall storm, Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward Island. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CCSEA, 10pp.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (21)


Mathew, S., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Ollerhead, J.W. and Yang, W., 2005. Quantifying coastal evolution using historic aerial photographs and digital photogrammetry. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CCSEA, 11pp.

Ollerhead, J., Johnson, P., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Walker, I.. and Hesp P., 2003. Sediment supply to coastal foredunes, Greenwich Dunes. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, Kingston, Ontario, CCSEA, 12pp.

Yang, Y, Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Ollerhead, J., Hesp, P. and Walker, I., 2003. The effects of surface moisture on instantaneous aeolian sediment transport, Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward Island Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, CCSEA, (abstract).

Walker, I.J., Hesp, P.A., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, J., 2003. Topographic effects on airflow over a vegetated foredune: Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Proc. Coastal Sediments '03, American Society of Civil Engineers, 14pp.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Ollerhead, J., Hesp, P.A. and Walker I.J., 2003 Spatial and temporal variability in intensity of aeolian transport on a beach and foredune. Proc. Coastal Sediments '03, American Society of Civil Engineers, 11pp.

van Proosdij, D., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, Jeff, 2003. Conceptual model of the seasonal and spatial controls on suspended sediment dynamics in a Bay of Fundy saltmarsh. Proc. Coastal Sediments '03, American Society of Civil Engineers, 11pp.

Dawson, J.D., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Ollerhead, J, 2001. Morphodynamics of an intertidal sand bar system, Northumberland Strait, Nova Scotia. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, CCSEA, 281-292.

Parry, J.E., Ollerhead, J. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2001. Spatial and temporal variation of suspended sediment concentration in the Cumberland Basin, Bay of Fundy. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, CCSEA, 377-389.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Dawson, J. D., 2001. Moisture and fetch effects on rates of aeolian sediment transport, Skallingen, Denmark. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, CCSEA, 309-321.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., van Proosdij, D., Ollerhead, Jocelyn, and Langham, D., 1999. Rates of erosion of till in the nearshore zone on Lakes Huron and Ontario. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, CCSEA, 627-636.

Dawson, J., van Proosdij, D., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Jeff Ollerhead, 1999. Characteristics of saltmarshes in the Cumberland Basin, Bay of Fundy. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, CCSEA, 267-280.

Ollerhead, J., van Proosdij, D. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1999. Ice as a mechanism for contributing sediments to the surface of a macro-tidal saltmarsh, Bay of Fundy. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, CCSEA , 345-358.

van Proosdij, D, Ollerhead, J. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1999. The use of Optical Backscaterrance Sensors for predicting sediment deposition on saltmarshes. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, CCSEA,

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Nielsen, J., Aagaard, T. and Greenwood, B., 1997. Alongshore and onshore aeolian sediment transport, Skallingen, Denmark. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, Canadian Coastal Science and Engineering Association, 463-476.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Langham, D.R.J., 1995. The role of softening in erosion of the nearshore profile on a cohesive coast. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference (Halifax, October, 1995), pp. 215-224.

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Ollerhead, Jeff, Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and van Proosdij, D., 1995. mapping bottom composition and characteristics in Rondeau Bay, Lake Erie, Ontario. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference (Halifax, October, 1995), pp. 679-693. Sullivan, J and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1995. Hazards and regulatory standards: Great Lakes-

St. Lawrence River System shorelines. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference (Halifax, October 1995), pp. 799-814.

Sherman, D.J, . ., Bauer, B.O., Carter, R.W.G., Jackson, McCloskey, J., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D Gares, P.A., Jackson, N.L. and Nordstrom, K.F, 1994. The aeolus project: measuring coastal wind and sediment systems. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics '94, American Society of Civil Engineers, 476-487.

Ollerhead, Jocelyn. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Vertical Erosion of the Beach and Inner Nearshore on a Cohesive Shoreline. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference (Vancouver, 1993), pp. 715-727.

Gares, P.A., Nordstrom, K.F. Sherman, D.J., Bauer, B.D., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Carter, R.W.G., Jackson, D., and Gomes, N., 1993. "Aeolian Sediment Transport Under Offshore Wind Conditions: Implications of Aeolian Sediment Budget Calculations," Proceedings Coastal Zone '93 North Carolina, U.S.A., ASCE, pp. 1-14.

Carter, R.W.G., Bauer, B.O., Sherman, D.J., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Gares, P.A., Nordstrom, K.F. and Ordord, J.D., "Dune Development in the Aftermath of Stream Outlet Closure: Examples from Ireland and California. In R.W.G. Carter, T.G.F. Curtis and M.J. Sheehy-Steffinton (eds.), Coastal Dunes: Proceedings of the Third European Dune Congress Northern Ireland: Balkemia Press, 1992, pp. 57-70.

Nickling, W.G. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1991. Aeolian sediment transport on beaches and coastal sand dunes. Proc. Symposium on Coastal Sand Dunes, Sept., 1990, Guelph, Ontario. National Research Council of Canada, pp. 1-35.

Law, M.N. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. 1991. Seasonal controls on aeolian processes on the beach and foredune. Proc. Symposium on Coastal Sand Dunes, Sept., 1990, Guelph, Ontario. National Research Council of Canada, pp. 49-68.

Saunders, K.E. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1991. Coastal dune response to natural disturbances. Proc. Symposium on Coastal Sand Dunes, Sept., 1990, Guelph, Ontario. National Research Council of Canada, pp. 321-346.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1990. The effect of water level fluctuations on coastal erosion in the Great Lakes. Ontario Geographer, Vol.:23-39.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Stewart, C.J., 1987. The effect of longshore sandwaves on dune erosion and accretion, Long Point, Ontario. Proceedings Canadian Coastal Conference, 131-144.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D.1986. Erosion of the nearshore profile in till: rates, controls and implications for shoreline protection. Proceedings Symposium on Cohesive Shores, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 137-149.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. and Askin, R.W., 1980. Factors controlling erosion of the nearshore

profile in overconsolidated till, Grimsby, Lake Ontario. Proc. Canadian Coastal Conference, 1980. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 185-199.

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ADAM BONNYCASTLE, MSC 37 Raglan St. ● Guelph ● Ontario ● N1H 2S4 226.821.3422 ● [emailprotected]


• Organized and detail-oriented GIS and remote sensing specialist • Proven teaching skills across a variety of disciplines • Develop and implement GIS and remote sensing methodologies for environmental

management and assessment, mostly in support of higher education and research


GEOMATICS SUPPORT SPECIALIST 2006 – PRESENT Department of Geography, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON

• Advise on spatial analysis, remote sensing, and survey methods and techniques for faculty and students

• Primary author of Introduction to ArcGIS and Introduction to Spatial Analyst in ArcGIS course tutorials

• Development of “GIS for Public Health” online curriculum; successful course launch W15 • Design and update lab assignments for geomatics courses (ArcGIS, Idrisi, Geomatica) • Guide the design and implementation of GIS-based research projects

(graduate/undergraduate students; various departments) • Write batch processing scripts (Python, EASI) • Research geomatics equipment purchases and set-up • Liaise with other departments that implement geomatics technologies

SESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR 2009 – 2015 Department of Geography, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON

• GEOG 2480 – Mapping and GIS (F14, F13, W12, F11, F09) o Lectures, labs, and formal written examinations to teach theory and practice of

thematic cartography and introduce concepts of GIS o Supervise multiple Graduate Teaching Assistants o Earn positive student evaluations

• GEOG 4480 – Applied Geographic Information Systems (W15, W14, W09) o Lectures and informal meetings to guide students through the design and

implementation of GIS-based research projects o Supervise multiple Graduate Teaching Assistants o Earn positive student evaluations

SPATIAL ANALYSIS CONSULTANT & CARTOGRAPHER 2006 – PRESENT • Cartographic services for academic articles, reports, and posters • Design GIS methodology to calculate distances, by road, between ~225,000 features • Prepare spatial data inputs for hydrologic and wind erosion modelling • Spatial and temporal analysis of urban growth in Ontario • Classification of SPOT imagery to identify riparian zones • Research and report on remote sensing technologies to estimate atmospheric aerosols • Delineate watersheds and analyze landcover in contributing areas • Digitize spatial database from historic landuse map of Guelph

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (24)

ADAM BONNYCASTLE, MSC 37 Raglan St. ● Guelph ● Ontario ● N1H 2S4 226.821.3422 ● [emailprotected]

TEACHING ASSISTANT 2004 – 2006 Department of Geography, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON

• GEOG 4480 – Applied Geographic Information Systems, and • GEOG 3480 – Geographic Information Systems

o Taught practical application of GIS technologies o Guided students with one-on-one technical GIS advice for their research projects o Provided constructive feedback to students on assignments and examinations o Consistently earned high student evaluations

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE 2003 – 2004 Applied Geomatics Research Group, Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) Nova Scotia Community College, Middleton, NS

• Processed and validated raw LiDAR data of the Annapolis Valley, NS • Conducted independent multi-day field work (including at backcountry locations) • Collected and processed real-time kinematic GPS and total station data • Updated validation scripts (EASI, AML)

APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMER, WATER RESOURCES GROUP 2003 ESRI Intern Program Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), Redlands, CA

• Extended algorithm that interpolates streambeds from channel bathymetric data to work for streams/rivers with islands or multiple channels (VBA, ArcObjects)

• Programmatically tested spatial and non-spatial query methods on the ArcHydro data model TimeSeries table (VBA, ArcObjects)

OUTDOOR EDUCATOR & ADVENTURE TRIP LEADER 1999 – 2002 Chingachgook YMCA, Glens Falls, NY

• Taught Environmental Education curriculum: ecology; canoeing and hiking; corporate teambuilding; facilitated High Ropes program

• Designed, planned, and provided safe leadership for backcountry canoeing, hiking, and cycling trips lasting 1 – 3 weeks each

INSTRUCTOR 1998 Gould Lake Outdoor Centre, Harrowsmith, ON

• Provided safe leadership for extended wilderness hiking, canoeing, and sea kayaking trips


• Taught Ontario Recreational Canoeing Association Basic Canoe Levels; supervised campers; provided safe leadership for multi-day wilderness canoe trips

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (25)

ADAM BONNYCASTLE, MSC 37 Raglan St. ● Guelph ● Ontario ● N1H 2S4 226.821.3422 ● [emailprotected]


MASTER OF SCIENCE, GEOGRAPHY 2006 University of Guelph, Guelph, ON

• Cumulative GPA: 84/100 • Developed object-oriented landcover classifications that identify major agricultural crops

from Landsat TM imagery • Analyzed how spatial and temporal land management changes effect hydrologic and

economic modelling to target agricultural conservation • Thesis: Environmental and economic implications of land management changes in

agricultural watersheds

ADVANCED DIPLOMA, APPLIED GEOMATICS RESEARCH 2004 Applied Geomatics Research Group, Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) Nova Scotia Community College, Middleton, NS

• Graduated with Honours • Studied the potential application of high-resolution LiDAR data for hydrologic modeling • Applied GIS, remote sensing, and data management skills

ADVANCED DIPLOMA, GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2003 Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) Nova Scotia Community College, Lawrencetown, NS

• Graduated with Honours • Focused on GIS and remote sensing skills relating to environmental applications • Conducted analysis using raster and vector data models; image orthorectification,

enhancement, mosaicing, terrain analysis, and classification; developed data management skills; processed satellite, air photo, and LiDAR data


• Graduated with Honours • Designed hydrologic systems such as flood control dams and structures, water supply

and treatment systems, and soil erosion control devices • Completed design work for the Town of Oakville incorporating storm water management

facilities data into a GIS

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (26)

ADAM BONNYCASTLE, MSC 37 Raglan St. ● Guelph ● Ontario ● N1H 2S4 226.821.3422 ● [emailprotected]


Bonnycastle, A., J. Mersey, and W. Yang. 2014. Introduction to ArcGIS: Version 10.2. 158 pages.

Bonnycastle, A., W. Yang, and J. Mersey. 2012. Introduction to Spatial Analyst in ArcGIS: Version 10.0. 95 pages.

Yang, W., A. Bonnycastle, Y.B. Liu, L. Boychuk, S. Gabor, and P. Badiou. 2011. Examining Water Quantity and Quality benefits from wetland conservation and restoration in the Smith Creek Watershed. A research report to Ducks Unlimited Canada. 99 pages.

Yang, W., Y.B. Liu, C. Ou, and A. Bonnycastle. 2011. Examining water quantity and quality effects of wetland loss and restoration scenarios in the Black River sub-watershed of the Lake Simcoe Basin: A research report submitted to Ducks Unlimited Canada. 125 pages.

Yang, W., Y.B. Liu, A. Bonnycastle, P. Badiou, L. Boychuck, and B. Page. 2010. Spatial allocation of wetland conservation and restoration in the Broughton’s Creek watershed: A research report submitted to Ducks Unlimited Canada. 134 pages.

Yang, W., Y.B. Liu, P. Boxall, K. Packman, M. Weber, and A. Bonnycastle. 2009. Integrated modelling for examining cost effectiveness of wetland restoration scenarios in the South Tobacco Creek watershed: A research report submitted to Ducks Unlimited Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 21 pages.

Berg, A., A. Bonnycastle, and W. Yang. 2008. Assessing streamflow sensitivity to crop changes. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Annual Congress. Kelowna, BC, Canada.


CYCLIST 2001 Bike for Cancer

• Cycled across Canada from Vancouver, BC, to St. John’s, NL, with two friends, as a fundraising event for the Canadian Cancer Society (

RESPONDER 1999 – 2001 University of Guelph First Response Team, Guelph, ON

• Provided first aid to the campus community through an emergency on-call service and special event coverage

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (27)

ADAM BONNYCASTLE, MSC 37 Raglan St. ● Guelph ● Ontario ● N1H 2S4 226.821.3422 ● [emailprotected]


Workstation, ArcView 3.x • Idrisi • PCI Geomatica • Python scripting • ArcSWAT, AVSWAT • MS Office • Internet for research


• ArcHydro • Kinematic GPS and Total

Station surveying • Adobe Illustrator,

Photoshop • Corel Draw, Photo-Paint • EASI scripting

• ArcObjects, AML, Visual Basic, VBA, VB Script

• ArcPad • MapInfo, Vertical Mapper • Oracle 8 • AutoCAD • Flash MX Studio, MS

FrontPage, HTML

CERTIFICATES • Lifesaving Society National Lifeguard Service (2006) • Lifesaving Society Bronze Cross, Standard First Aid, and CPR (2006) • ESRI ArcHydro (2003) • Wilderness Medical Associates Canada Wilderness First Responder (2003) • Wilderness Medical Associates Canada Anaphylaxis Workshop (2003) • NSCC Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (2003) • NSCC Occupational Health & Safety (2003) • American Red Cross Lifeguard Training, CPR, First Aid (2002) • ORCA Tripping Level II and Moving Water Level I (1996, 1995)

REFERENCES Excellent references are available upon request

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (28)


Ryan P. Mulligan, Ph.D., P.Eng. CURRICULUM VITAE

Personal Information

Ryan P. Mulligan, Ph.D., P.Eng. Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 3N6 Phone: 613-533-6503, email: [emailprotected] Website:

Education Postdoctoral Fellowship

Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, NS, 2009 Degrees

Ph.D., Dalhousie University (Halifax NS), Oceanography, 2008 M.A.Sc., University of British Columbia (Vancouver BC), Civil Engineering, 1999 B.A.Sc., Queen's University (Kingston ON), Geological Engineering, 1997

Professional Credentials

Professional Engineer registered in Ontario (P.Eng. since 2002) American Geophysical Union (member since 2000) Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (member since 2013)


Outstanding Contribution Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Council, International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) in Santander, Spain, 2012. NSERC Visiting Fellowship in a Canadian Government Laboratory, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, NS, 2008-2009. Kathy Ellis Memorial Prize, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, highest grades in graduate courses in oceanography, 2004. APEGBC Environmental Award, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, outstanding achievement in environmental engineering, 2002.

Employment History

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, 2011-. Assistant Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 2009-2011.


Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (29)


Post-doctoral Fellow, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, NS, 2008-2009. Research Assistant, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 2003-2008. Coastal Engineer, Hay & Company Consultants Inc., Vancouver, BC, 1999-2003. Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, 1997-1999. Junior Civil Engineer, Deardon & Stanton Limited, Orillia, ON, summer 1997. Junior Geological Engineer, Aur Resources Inc., Flin Flon, MB, summer 1996. Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Geological Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, 1995-97.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Mulligan, R.P., Walsh, J.P., and Wadman, H., (2014). Storm Surge and Surface Waves in a Shallow Lagoonal Estuary during the Crossing of a Hurricane. Invited paper, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., A5014001, 11pp, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE) WW.1943-5460.0000260.

McCombs, M.P., Mulligan, R.P., and Boegman, L. (2014). Offshore Wind Farm Impacts on

Surface Waves and Circulation in Eastern Lake Ontario, Coastal Engineering, 93, 32-39, doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.08.001.

Tao, J., Hill, P.S., Mulligan, R.P., and Smith, P.C. (2014). Seasonal Variability of Total

Suspended Matter in Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 151, 169-180, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.10.005.

McCombs, M.P., Mulligan, R.P., Boegman, L., and Rao, Y.R. (2014). Modeling surface

waves and wind-driven circulation in eastern Lake Ontario during winter storms. J. Great Lakes Research, 13 pp, doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2014.02.009.

Brown, M.M., Mulligan, R.P., and Miller, R.L. (2014). Modeling the transport of freshwater

and dissolved organic carbon in the Neuse River Estuary, NC, USA following Hurricane Irene (2011), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sci., 139, 148-158, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.01.005.

McNinch, J.E., Brodie, K.L., Wadman, H.M., Hathaway, K.K., Slocum, R.K., Mulligan, R.P.,

Hanson, J.L., and Birkemeier, W.A. (2012). Observations of wave run-up, shoreline hot-spot erosion, and sound-side seiching during Hurricane Irene at the Field Research Facility, Journal of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, 80(2): 19-37.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (30)


Leorri, E., Mulligan, R.P., Mallinson, D., and Cearreta, A. (2011). Sea-level rise and local tidal range changes in coastal embayments: An added complexity in developing reliable sea-level index points, Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 11(3): 307-314.

Mulligan, R.P., Perrie, W., Toulany, B., Smith, P. Hay, A.E., and Bowen, A.J. (2011).

Performance of nowcast and forecast wave models for Lunenburg Bay, NS. Atmosphere-Ocean, 49(1), doi:10.1080/07055900.2011.558468.

Mulligan, R. P., Hay, A. E., and Bowen, A. J. (2010). A wave-driven jet over a rocky shoal.

Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C10038, doi:10.1029/2009JC006027.

Mulligan, R.P., Perrie, W., and Solomon, S. (2010). Dynamics of the Mackenzie River plume

on the inner Beaufort Shelf during an open water period in summer. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (89), 214-220.

Mulligan, R.P., Hay, A.E., and Bowen, A.J. (2008). Wave-driven circulation in a coastal bay

during the landfall of a hurricane. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C05026, doi:10.1029/2007JC004500.

Mulligan, R.P., Bowen, A. J., Hay, A.E., van der Westhuysen, A. J., and Battjes, J.A. (2008).

Whitecapping and wave field evolution in a coastal bay. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C03008, doi:10.1029/2007JC004382.

Book Chapters

Miller, R.L., López, R., Mulligan, R.P., Reed, R.E., Liu, C.-C., Buonassissi, C.J., and Brown, M.M., (2014) Examining material transport in dynamic coastal environments: an integrated approach using field data, remote sensing and numerical modeling. In C.W. Finkl and C. Makowski (eds.), Remote Sensing and Modeling: Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources, Coastal Research Library 9, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-06326-3_14, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.

Leys, V. and Mulligan, R.P., (2011). Modelling coastal sediment transport for harbour planning: selected case studies, In Sediment Transport, S.S.Ginsberg (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-189-3, InTech.

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (31)

Terraprobe curriculum vitae

Michael Tanos, P.Eng.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE• Geotechnical Engineering • Technical Policy Development• Materials Testing • Peer Review and Expert Consultations• Construction Inspection & Supervision

EDUCATIONB.A.Sc., University of Toronto, 1975Department of Geological Engineering and Applied Earth ScienceGeotechnical Division

Post-graduate Courses, University of Toronto, 1977-1981Department of Civil Engineering (part time studies)Geotechnical Division

AFFILIATIONSRegistered Professional Engineer, Province of OntarioDesignated Consulting Engineer, Province of OntarioMember, Canadian Geotechnical SocietyMember, American Society of Civil EngineersMember, American Society for Testing and Materials

PRESENT RESPONSIBILITIESResponsible for senior review and guidance of geotechnical and materials projects; and foradministration of head office and branch offices.


Terraprobe Limited - Brampton, Ontario1983 - present Principal, Geotechnical Engineer

Dominion Soil Investigation Inc. - London, Ontario1982 - 1983 Branch Manager, Geotechnical Engineer

Golder Associates - Mississauga, Ontario1980 - 1982 Geotechnical Engineer

Terraprobe Limited - Brampton, Ontario1977 - 1980 Manager, Geotechnical Engineer

F.J. Reinders & Associates Limited - Brampton, Ontario 1975 - 1977 Geotechnical Engineer

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦· Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (32)

Terraprobe curriculum vitae

B. (Billy) Singh, M.A.Sc., P. Eng.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE• Geotechnical Engineering & Design • Construction Materials Engineering/Quality Control

• Slope Stability & Streambank Erosion Studies • Transportation, Tunnels and Infrastructure Projects

• Slope Stabilization & Rehabilitation • Buildings & Land Development Projects

• Design & Evaluation of Retaining W alls • Construction Inspection & Supervision

• Pavement Design and Evaluation • Environmental Site Assessment/Remediation

• Construction Project Management • Peer Review and Expert W itness/Consultations

• Shoreline Slope Risk Assessments • Stable Slopes Policy Interpretation & Application

• Slope Stability Training Seminars to Conservation Authorities, Businesses, and Guest Lectures at

University of W aterloo

EDUCATIONMaster of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.),

University of W aterloo, 1996

Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Civil Engineering

University of Jodhpur, India

CONTINUING EDUCATIONConstruction Project Management

Design of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Structures, Retaining W alls

Slope Stability and Streambank Erosion, Slope Stabilization

Pavement Design and Asphalt Technology

Concrete Testing and Quality

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONSRegistered Professional Engineer, Province of Ontario

Past Chair, Canadian Geotechnical Society

Southern Ontario Section, Toronto Group

PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONSOntario Building Code Qualification

Examinations: Designer Legal Process (OBC)

Designer Structural (OBC)

Qualified Person - Ontario Ministry of Environment, Ontario Regulation 153

PRESENT RESPONSIBILITIESResponsible for project management, review and guidance of geotechnical, environmental, construction

materials & engineering, inspection and testing projects.

PROFESSIONAL HISTORY1997 to Date Terraprobe - Brampton, Ontario

Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Principal

1997 Toyota Motor Manufacturing Company (TMMC) - Cambridge, Ontario

Planning Solutions Inc.€¦ · Planning Solutions Inc. Planning Solutions Inc. is an Ajax, Ontario based firm offering stakeholder engagement, planning and resource management services. - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.