Novel - Greedy Salvation (Web Novel) - [HIATUS] (2024)

Greedy Salvation: Volume1 - 500 Billion Years Ago

Chapter 5 ~Romance Dummies~

//Next [Rile] - Abe’s Home | 15th Rise Block

Me and the twins talked some more in my home about God and his expectations of us. I tried my best to convince them that it would be beneficial to worship God, but in the end they both decided to think about where they stand with their spirituality. Honestly, that was to be the expected outcome, I can only pray that in time they will come around. It’s still in the middle of the [Rise period], in 4 more [blocks] it’ll be the [Forerise period]. [Pretty Anarchy] is all but unreachable, so I decided to change the mood. We head back to my room, I turn to face them, clasp my hands and say:

Abe: “Ok, let’s do some homework.”

Twins: “Ehhh?!”

Abe: “Don’t give me that reaction, just because you two are the famous [Twin Terrors] doesn’t mean you can skip out on school work.”

Izanagi: “Nerd!”

Izanami: “Boo! You dork!”

This was the predictable reaction. Naturally, I have numerous countermeasures set up to make sure that they do as they’re supposed to do. They too know that they’re not getting out of this without doing any work, but it never stops them from trying to escape. In the past, I had to rely on Jasper to ensure that they don’t leave the premises, but I’ve changed since a [wob] ago. The twins watch me in anticipation as I stand in front of the exit of my room. They’re eyes lit up in surprise when they realized Jasper didn’t appear before us.

Izanami: “Abe, what is the meaning of this?”

Abe: “The exit hasn’t disappeared, I’ll give you a chance to walk out of here, but just know it won’t be easy.”

Izanagi: “You mean, we have to go through you?”

Izanami: “Jasper isn’t here?”

Abe: “Regardless of who is blocking your path, all you have to do is walk pass, no?”

The two stare at each other and then start bursting out laughing. Izanami’s is short lived since she couldn’t drown out Izanagi’s annoying laugh. She guts him with her elbow to make him stop, which he does, then proceeds to maintain his composure. I remain unfazed by their nonchalant attitude. Make no mistake, these two are no pushovers, they’re not thug hunters just for show. In fact, there was one time where Izanagi sent someone flying with just a flick of his finger, and I’m sure Izanami could do the same if given the opportunity. If it wasn’t for my uncanny ability to dodge physical strikes, we probably wouldn’t even be friends, and I would’ve been in the hospital the first time we met. Despite all that, I was confident I could stop them with my strength alone.

Izanami: “I’ll admit you’ve gotten stronger Abe, but don’t get co*cky!” *Cracks knuckles

Izanagi: “Let’s go sis, we’ll just do the usual set up.”

Izanami: *nods

The twins charge at me with full speed, determined to escape their fate of doing homework. However, the end result was clear. Without being able to land a single hit on me, they both found themselves on the floor in an advanced strangling technique they couldn’t force their way out of.

Twins: “No way!”

Abe: “Looks like I won.”

With both of my knees on each of their backs, their arms and legs locked in knots around my own arms, I stare down the back of their heads in triumph. I'm even surprised at how much I’ve improved in terms of combat ability.

Abe: “So, do you two give up?”

I tighten my grip on their joints and they cry out in pain. Jasper peers in on us, apparently he was waiting for his moment to play with the twins. They bang their heads on the floor and cry out mercy as Jasper proceeds to move in closer to us. Mockingly, he rolls on his back and gives them a toothy grin. Flustered, the twins finally give up and I release them from my grip.

Abe: “Now, let’s do some schoolwork.”

Twins: “Uuuu…”

We all sit at the table and begin our homework. Because of their deep sense of justice, they comply with the conditions of their loss without any more protest. It’s a side of them that I always found charming and admirable. A lot of the teachers at our school gave up on the twins because of their reluctance to pick up or retain information. Me being a lover of all things knowledgeable use this opportunity to sharpen my mind by being a tutor to them. Their grades fluctuate depending on whether they actually take the time to study the material in their own spare time. It’s a 50/50 scale that depends strictly on their mood. Regardless, the twins hail me as the greatest teacher they’ve ever had. Time passes by like that and before we know it, we’re done in the middle of [forerise].

Twins: “It’s overrrr!!”

Abe: “Good job, you two.”

Reading the situation, Jasper takes the opportunity to jump on Izanami and starts licking her cheeks. Out of the twins, he takes a particular liking to her. I can guess why.

Izanami: “Jeez, Jasper you’re affectionate as usual.”

Me and Izanagi watch the scene unfold as the two engage in a series of petting and licking respectively.

Izanagi: “Be careful sis, you might not be a suitable life partner for someone if you let him get too far. Right Abe?”

Abe: “I have no clue what you’re talking about…”

Izanami: “Jasper is like a furry brother to me. Jasper, paw!”

Jasper obediently raises one of his paws and Izanami responds by pressing her palm against his. Izanagi gets up to stretch, then glares at me.

Abe: “It seems you have something to say, Izanagi.”

Izanagi: “So, when did you get so strong?”

Izanami: “I want to know as well. Even back at school, you were able to hold us back during one of our fits.”

Abe: “....”

Izanagi: “It’s hard to fathom that the [Untouchable Linch] has reached a realm where we can’t touch.”

Needless to say, the twins enjoy living out their lives like they’re superheroes. They’ve gotten more mature over the years, but lines like that tend to pop out every once and awhile. In anycase, it looks like I’ll have to change the subject. It’s not like they’ll believe me if I told them I spent a [wob] training with God.

Abe: “Well, that’s just how it is, guys. I’ll give you more details on my growth someday, but for right now I’m hungry.”

Twins: “Hey!”

I make my escape from the room, but I slow my pace to allow the twins to follow me outside. They were persistent in getting more information out of me until I told them where I was going to eat. I know them well enough to divert their attention from unfavorable subjects, and when it comes to things they like, well, it only takes a few nudges to get them on my pace. The spot I mentioned to them is within the city and a favorite among the residents here. The twins especially like it for the food, as well as the dance rooms. Once I told them that it was my treat, then their badgering for answers completely faded away. Although we have our own vehicles, we decided to walk there. The city has interesting and unique events that coincides with the [Neighbor System] I devised a few [Oviations] back. Residents of [Hops city] can participate in competitive games such as treasure hunts, where ordinary or rare items are scattered in different locations. There are also friendly duels in which one’s wits, physical abilities and special talents are put to the test. These events are held every [rile] and are meant to brighten the mood and livelihood of the citizens.

Izanami: “Hey look!”

Izanami pointed to our favorite location. There was a gathering of people on the bridge that connected two districts together. It was a nice day outside, as the sun’s rays spilled over the skyscrapers and moving vehicles. The residents gathered seemed to be participating in one of the events of this [rile]. We can see from our standpoint two people pushing each other with their backs against each other in a neon red circle. The mid level crowd was cheering on from a respectable distance.

Abe: “Ah, it’s that event.”

It’s a simple event where two individuals have to push each other out of a circle, but they have to do it from back to back without using hands. I don’t know who came up with this event, but I always tended to avoid it. The twins however…

Twins: “Go go go!”

They love these types of activities needless to say. They raced towards the crowd and blended in with them along with the cheering. An event droid circled around the sparring participants narrating their progress every step of the way. Its voice was monotone, but strangely enough fit the atmosphere and pace of the event. Some of the people among the crowd waved neon colored flags that flashed from dim to bright. The colors matched the holographic spheres on top of the heads of the two participants. This signified that some of the crowd was betting on the winner of the event. The twins took out their [Vpods] in order to place their own bets. They glared at me in hopes that I would participate as well. I let out a sigh and took out my own device to place my bet. The winning participants get points added to their account which can be converted to this world’s currency, or traded for rare collectible treasures. Treasures that get collected can be used as investing assets since they’re usually made out of precious metals.

I chose to bet for the opposing participant than what the twins went for. The droid materialized our cheering flags, theirs was orange while mine was purple. Izanami stuck out her tongue in response to picking the opposing side, and I returned it with a menacing smirk to let her know that I was not going to lose the bet. The match continued on as we waved our flags. The twins screamed their lungs out as if their warcry was some sort of skill that boosted the participant’s vigor. I just wave my flag in an uncharismatic manner. I don’t hate these types of events, but I do find it corny to put so much energy in them.

As much as the orange participant tried, the purple opponent overwhelmed him in a gigantic burst of power. He used his impressive footing to push the orange opponent out of the circle. Furious, the orange opponent stomped his feet as the droid announced the purple team the winner.

Twins: “Noooo~!”

Abe: “Looks like it’s my win again.”

Izanami: “Grrr!!”

Izanagi: “Damn! I knew I should’ve chosen purple!”

The winner of the event jumped up and down in excitement as the droid showed his earnings and experience points on a holographic screen for all to see. A screen then popped up before me and the others who won the bet displaying options for rare treasures to choose from. There were four options:

[Yyula] Necklace (Women)

[Pelimn] Ring (Men)

[Wicc] Ear Studs (Women)

[Bytog] Plated Shoes (Men)

The twins rushed over with obvious hints of curiosity on their faces.

Izanagi: “So?”

Izanami: “What are you going to get?”

I thought about it, and this was a good opportunity for me to treat Izanami to a present. She wasn’t very feminine, so I’m not sure what would suit her honestly, that’s why..

Abe: “Izzy, whatever you decide, you can have as a gift.”

Izanami: “Huh?”

Izanagi: “Hoo?”

[Holy Spirit: *Whistles]

Izanami blinks a few times, and then she tilts her head in a puzzled manner.

Izanami: “But, why? I don’t recall doing anything in particular…”

Abe: “Err, well, just accept it as a token of a job well done for finishing your homework.”

Izanagi gives me a thumbs up signifying he liked that response.

Izanami: “Ehh, it doesn’t seem right, I mean, Izanagi finished his as well…”

Dammit, why do you always have to be difficult at times like this?

Izanagi pushes her head down using his palm, Izanami looks up at him with an annoyed expression.

Izanami: “What’s the big deal?”

Izanagi: “Just accept the gift, it’d be awkward if he gave me something, since we’re both guys.”

Izanami: “That’s sexist.” *Snorts

Izanagi: “Yeah, yeah, say that without eyeballing the menu.”

Izanami: “...”

Abe: “Well, if you don’t want anything I guess I’ll~”

Izanami: “Now hold on, I didn’t necessarily say I didn’t want anything…”

Abe: “Heh, so wishy washy.”

Izanami: “Mmm….Ok, ok, I’ll get the necklace.”

Izanagi and Abe: “Oh?”

Izanami: “Don’t give me that look you two, even I like to wear fashionable stuff once in a while.”

Izanagi: “Really?”

Abe: “Since when?”

Izanami: “Shut it! I’ll get the necklace and that’s that.”

I pressed the option for the [Yyula] necklace, and the droid materialized it in my palm. I was about to hand it to her, but then Izanagi made a loud cough.

Izanami: “?”

Abe: “Right…Izzy, turn around and hold still.”

Izanami: “Why? I can put it on myself later…”

Izanagi: “Sis, this is a good time to understand a boy’s heart.”

[Holy Spirit: Indeed. *laughs]

Izanami: “Ohhh, fine!”

I helped Izanami put on her necklace. She was quiet the whole time, and it must’ve been my imagination, but her ears seemed red. Finishing up, she spins around to face me, the necklace dangled from one side to the other, and then rested in the middle of her chest. I didn’t think it would make that much of a difference, but the jewelry really did bring out her beauty.. Despite wearing her casual clothes, the necklace made the necessary impact.

Izanami: “Thanks…”

Abe: “I-it was nothing…”

We stood there briefly, not really staring at each other. Things got awkward between us as opposed to warm and fuzzy, so to break the silence, Izanami turned away first and started moving on to the hangout spot.

Izanami: “W-well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get a move on.”

I let out a sigh as I and Izanagi followed Izanami’s lead. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Izanagi staring at me with a sly grin.

Abe: “...”

Izanagi: “Abe, you’ve really changed in such a short amount of time.”

Abe: “Yeah, sure.”

Izanagi: “I’m serious, but it’s definitely a good change. Not only have you gotten much stronger, but you’re even taking proactive steps at getting closer with my sister. I’m proud of ya!”

Abe: “Please stop.”

Izanagi: “No really, did you know that this is the first present you gave her?”

Abe: “Yeah, and it weirded her out, you saw how she reacted.”

Izanagi: “Nope, wrong! You and Izanami are romance dummies. Izanami in particular isn’t used to that kind of treatment from the opposite sex, so to get it from you put her in a predicament that she couldn’t react to properly. That’s all.”

Abe: “…”

Romance dummy, huh? That seems accurate. I’ve harbored these feelings for Izanami for a long time, but I never gave myself time to try opening up her heart to me. No, to be more precise, I deliberately focused on other things because I was afraid of losing her if I tried to be something more to her than just a friend. I don’t have any experience or knowledge with love. I may be ignorant to these types of relationships, but I’m aware enough to know that Izanagi has been helping us go to the next level in his own way. I never actually asked him to help me directly win over Izanami before. Knowing him, he’d definitely be ecstatic about me asking for advice.

[Voice: Start by asking her if there is anyone she likes.]

I recognized that voice. It was K.I.P.

[Abe: “I appreciate the advice K.I.P, but are you even confident in your knowledge with women?”]

[K.I.P: “I’ve been doing a lot of research on the matter among other things. I may have lost memory of who I am, but I didn’t lose my sense of sentient culture and lifestyle. This planet’s socialism isn’t anything new from what I’ve gathered from my common sense.”]

[Abe: “Fair enough.”]

[K.I.P: “Just consider my advice to be good practice for both of us.”]

[Abe: “...Fine, I’ll ask her when the time is right. Thanks.”]

[K.I.P: “No problem, you can also get a second opinion from God. His opinion would surely be better than mine.”]

[Abe: “Yeah, you’re right about that. I’ll go about asking different people for their opinions as well.”]

[K.I.P: “Excellent decision, now if you’ll excuse me, I have more studying to do. Good luck.”]

Once K.I.P’s aura vanished, I talked with God as me and the twins continued walking through the city.

[Holy Spirit: “So, K.I.P gave you romantic advice?”]

[Abe: “Well, it was just a suggestion to help get the discussion between me and Izanami going.”]

[Holy Spirit: “I don’t mind you taking advice from K.I.P, but I’m a little sad that you rarely come to me for help.”]

[Abe: “My apologies my lord, but to be fair, K.I.P pretty much blurted it out. I didn’t ask him for anything.”]

[Holy Spirit: “That’s a bad habit you’ll have to fix. I know how bright you are, but you can’t solve everything yourself, especially the things you clearly suck at..”]

[Abe: “Yeah, I get it, I’m a romance dummy. Can you please give me advice, O great one?”]

[Holy Spirit: “Well, I suppose, if you put it that way.]

We both laugh. I think this is the first lighthearted moment I had with God as his eternal friend. I’m beginning to feel even more comfortable in his presence.

[Holy Spirit: “You already know this, but Izanami isn’t very feminine on the interior. This is because she is heavily influenced by her twin brother. Twins usually take after one another and mirror what the other does and says. One of the two was going to be the dominant persona for the other, and it turns out Izanagi is the presence that won out.”]

[Abe: “I see, very insightful.]

[Holy Spirit: “So, in order to woo Izanami, you have to unlock her insecurities of being herself. Her own identity, to be exact.”]

[Abe: “Wow..I never even realized she had such deep conflicts.]

[Holy Spirit: “Well, that’s all the info I have the heart to tell you. Do you best Abe, and I’m sure you’ll produce satisfactory results.”]

Something clicked in me, and I felt as though God was not only giving me love advice, but also advice to save both twins from a deadly fate. I wanted to contemplate more on this, but it seemed as though we arrived at our destination. [High Life Venue], it may not be as great as the bigger spots like [Gene Pool], or to a lesser extent [Love Rain], but it’s popular in its own right. As soon as we heard the music, the twins raced inside. I took my time as I told them beforehand that I’d be ordering the food. They are famous around these parts, not just because of their reputation as the [Twin Terrors], but also because of their skills as dancers. Inside, I can see the twins are already blending in with the other dancers. People’s heads turn their way as they show off their moves. Out of the three famous spots, this one is a bit more fun and relaxing for all ages. That is because they have a scoring system to see who the top dancers are. As I order the food and reserve a table for us nearby, I take a gander at the dance scoreboard.

1st Place: Yoh Boi - 99999 pts

2nd Place: Izanami and Izanagi - 77324 pts

3rd Place: Lit Kapri - 76923 pts

Abe: (So, they still haven’t beaten the score…)

Yoh Boi is a famous dancer around these parts. He appeared out of nowhere winning the hearts of citizens around the city with his unorthodox yet hypnotic dance style. The most interesting thing about this particular individual is that no one knows his true identity, he wears an oversized [canig] outfit and only appears at random times in various locations.

Or so that’s what people say.

Male Voice: “Abe? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you around these parts.”

Abe: “Lit, taking a breather I see.”

Lit called out to me from a short distance to our table. I beckoned him over and he sat across from me. In order to keep him up to date on things, I cut to the chase and told him about the most recent events that transpired, particularly between me and [Pretty Anarchy].

Lit: “So, to clarify, [Pretty Anarchy] became agents of [Baal] with powers similar to ours, and your classmate, Jeane, is the new member?”

I gave him a nod and he sank back in his seat with an enamored expression.

Lit: “Looks like your hunch about them was on point, Abe. Thank God you made it out of that ordeal alive.”

Abe: “I was close to getting Sicily and Jeane’s [Spiritual Core], had I been able to, God would’ve been able to purify their souls. I’m kicking myself for letting them get away.”

Lit: “There you go again with that pessimism. That’s a bad habit, you know? But man, to think things like time travel exists…wait a minute!”

Abe: ?

Lit: That plan you were talking about which involves taking care of that murdered family…Abe, are you going to~”

Izanami: “Abe! Oh and master Lit?!”

The discussion was broken when the twins came to the table.

Lit: “Izanami, Izanagi, [Cilz].”

Twins: “[Cilz]!”

Izanagi: “Hey, Lit, did you get to see our dance moves?”

Lit: “I saw for a bit, you two have really improved!”

Izanagi: “Thanks! We couldn’t have made it this far without your guidance though.”

Lit: “Not at all, a student is only as good as the drive they have to succeed, you two were astounding from the start. I’m sure you both will continue to grow seeing that your scores improve each time I come around.”

Izanami: “Master Litty, will you ever get back into competing?”

Lit: “Hmm…that’s tough to say. I think with you two and a certain star pupil of mine, it’s a good idea for me to retire and focus on my spiritual journey.”

Twins: “Awwe!”

Izanami: (Star pupil? It couldn’t be…)

Time moved forward, Lit had his food transferred to our table and we all ate together in that spot, just talking and enjoying each other’s company.

Izanagi: “So, what were you guys talking about before we got here?”

Izanagi asked with a mouth full of meat. He nearly choked and started pounding his chest to force the food down his throat.

Izanami: “I’d like to know too, the mood seemed tense between you guys.”

Lit looked at me, which gave the impression that I had to give them an answer.

Abe: “We were brainstorming ways of bringing people to God. Especially those who are lost and in need of spiritual comfort.”

Izanagi: “Huh…”

Izanami: “Interesting, but it seems like that type of thing is complicated.”

Lit: “Believe me Izanami, it is complicated. Getting someone to believe in God is almost like trying to get someone to fall in love with you. It takes time and patience.”

Abe: “Mmhm.”

Izanagi: “Haha, I’m sure Abe can relate to that with his own testimony. In more ways than one I can imagine.”

Abe: “Yeah, I suppose.”

Izanami: “...hmmm…”

Lit: “Something on your mind Izanami?”

Izanami: “Well, it’s just that you said getting people to believe in God is like trying to get someone to fall in love with you. I don’t really get either case!”

Lit: “Oh well, there are all kinds of love. For example, there is love for your family, friends, a person of interest. God being the creator of everything, but only presenting himself through signs requires a different kind of love.”

Izanami: “Hmm…I don’t get it.”

Izanagi: “Oh, c’mon sis, I’m sure there is someone out there that catches your interest in a peculiar way.”

For a moment, she ponders that remark, then looks at me.

Abe: (Huh?)

Izanami: “Well rather than pique my interest in a romantic way, there is someone I admire…”

Izanagi & Lit: “Oooh?”

I play oblivious and start sipping on a juice blend exclusive for this hangout.

Lit: “So? Are you going to tell us what he’s like?”

Izanagi: “Yeah, I’m dying to know.”

Abe: (Why are you all looking at me?)

Izanami: “Well, he’s tall…”

Izanagi & Lit: “Yeah?”

Izanami: “Dark…”

Izanagi & Lit: “Yeah? Yeah?”

Izanami: “A great dancer…”

Abe: “...”

Lit: “Hmmm…”

Izanagi: “Uhh…”

Izanami: “He’s furry…”

Lit: “Huh?”

Izanagi: “Wait a minute, you’re not talking about..”

Abe: (Oh boy…)

Izanami: “Yep! It’s Yoh Boi!”

Lit & Izanagi: “Uuugh!”

Abe: *Facepalm

Izanami: “What’s wrong with you guys?! Yoh Boi is awesome!”

Holy Spirit: *Laughs

I already had an inkling that she had some type of admiration towards Yoh Boi. Whenever he would appear before her, she would be glued to the spectacle of his performance with a twinkle in her eye. As for her brother…

Izanagi: “Well, I honestly can’t blame you sis, cause Yoh Boi really is Awesome!! Take a look at these action cards I made from all of his appearances!”

He’s even worse!

Abe: (When did he collect those…)

Izanami: “Waah! No fair! Lemme have some!”

Izanagi: “Huh? Hey! Get lost, they’re mine!”

The twins start fighting over the Yoh Boi action cards, by this time we’ve finished our meal. I contact my droid, Run run to have him operate my [DBock] to come pick me up. As the vehicle makes its way to the area, I tell the gang that I’m preparing to go home. It seemed as though Izanagi had plans with his sports club and Izanami didn’t want to tag along, so she was going to hang out here for a while longer. As for Lit, he had plans to meet with his family and friends, I’m guessing it’s his plan to reconcile with them and to start sowing seeds in his own way. Before I departed from the hangout spot, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit tugging at me.

Abe: “I get it, but I won’t like it.”

~Izanami’s POV~

Everyone left to do their own thing while I decided to stay behind and dance some more. There was a particular person’s score I wanted to beat. I raise my hand in the air and enthusiastically shout in the crowd.

Izanami: “First place shall be mine! Just you wait, Yoh Boi!”

Crowd: “Uwoooohh!”

Announcer Droid: “Looks like we have a challenger to the throne, ladies and gents! I hope she fully digested her food, cause we’re about to get this paaaarty staaarteeeed!!!”

Izanami: “That last remark was unnecessary, but let’s do this!”

The lights dim and the crowd gathers to the dance stage where I was stationed. I look at the scoreboard one last time before the music starts playing. In an instant, my body starts moving to the rhythm of the beat. When the tempo goes from slow to fast, I adjust accordingly. The lack of noise from the crowd bothered me a little bit. I couldn’t tell whether my dance was good or not. It shouldn’t be too bad since I trained with Master Litty for a whole [Oviation]. I made sure not to let my emotions affect my dance, but still, I surprised myself back there.

Izanami: (Why did I lie?)

The moment I looked at Abe, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him and the others that he was the one I really admired, not Yoh Boi.

No, it’s not me.

Izanami: (Abe, this is all your fault.)

He’s been acting so differently as of late, that it’s been throwing off my demeanor. Now all of a sudden he believes in God. What about me? Where do I fit in? If Abe continues down this path, will he leave us behind?

Will he no longer need me?

Izanami: (This isn’t like me at all…)

I picked up the pace of my dance as the rhythm ramped up, and it wasn’t before long until the music officially stopped. Short of breath, I take a look around me, and even though it was quiet for quite some time, all of a sudden the crowd starts screaming in a frenzy.

Announcer droid: “Whoa! What in Kwhali was that folks?!”

Crowd Mob A: “Way to go sis!”

Crowd Mob B: “You absolutely killed it!”

Crowd Mob C: “I think she broke her record!”

Izanami: (Oh! What’s my score?)

Announcer Droid: “Tallying up the points now!”

1st Place: Izanami 100000 pts

2nd Place: Yoh Boi 99999 pts

3rd Place: Izanagi 77324 pts

Crowd: “Uwoooooh!”

Izanami: “No way.”

I did it, I actually beat Yoh Boi’s dance record. I’m looking forward to rubbing it in my brother’s face, especially since it’s the first time I broke a tie of anything we did together. Imagining his look of disparity puts a smile on my face. I wonder if Abe will be happy for me? However that smile starts to fade when I see a familiar figure brushing through the crowd.

Crowd Mob D: “Whoa, it's the legend!”

Crowd Mob E: “Is he going to challenge Izanami’s score now?!”

Crowd Mob F: “I’m excited to see what kind of wild dance he’ll show us next!”

The figure jumps up on the stage, and the lighting of the room illuminates his costume. His thick locks flow as he bobs his head from side to side, his golden fur glistens as it emits a glow from the hangout’s various lights, I can see my reflection in his dark oversized sunglasses as he moves closer to me.

Izanami: “Y-Yoh Boi…”

Yoh Boi: “....”

Without saying anything, he crosses his arms and stares me down. For some reason I felt an intense pressure, more so than I felt from fighting the usual thugs. Honestly, this is my first time seeing the real thing this close. Nevertheless, I gather my wits and stand firm with a stern glare back at him.

Izanami: “I beat your score, I finally surpassed you. What do you say to that?”

I said smugly with my chest puffed out.

Announcer Droid: “Ooo baby! It looks like there’s going to be a showdown folks!”

Crowd: “Commotion

Yoh Boi: “Arf.”

Yoh Boi snaps his fingers signalling the droid to play some music. I step back and the crowd grows silent. Yoh Boi psyches himself up by hanging his head low and getting into stance. A high vibration beat starts playing and the crowd goes wild as Yoh Boi cuts loose. Once again, I'm mesmerized by his dancing. It’s even better than last time.

Izanami: (Is it just me, or is he teleporting?!)

Crowd Mob G: “Man o man! Those movements are insane!!”

Crowd Mob H: “Can’t stop…watching!”

Announcer Droid: “I’m just a machine, but my imaginary heart is beating so fast right now, guys!”

Suddenly, Yoh Boi calls for the music to stop. This puzzles everyone in the room. He turns to me while pointing his paw in my direction, beckoning me to step forward.

Izanami: “Huh? You…want to do a duet?”

Yoh Boi: *Nods

I was full of nerves, after watching how he moved I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to keep up with him. Before I could safely decline his offer, the crowd cheers me on.

Crowd Mob A: “Go for it Izanami!”

Crowd Mob C: “You got this, dance with him!”

I decided to trust my instincts and go for it. I run up beside Yoh Boi and prepare to dance.

Izanami: “Uuu….Let’s do this!”

Crowd: *Heavy Cheering

Me and Yoh Boi snap our fingers in unison, the music plays once more, this time to suit a duet as opposed to solo. I was worried at first, but for some reason, I was able to keep up with him. It was almost as if our minds and bodies were in sync by a mysterious force. The last dance I did left me tired, but even though I’m moving even faster than before, I feel great. As the crowd cheers us on, I couldn’t help but let out a laugh at how fun this moment was. By the end of the dance, our scores were tied at first for 10,5000 pts, smashing our original scores. Without saying anything, Yoh Boi started to leave the building, but I wasn’t satisfied with leaving things at that.

Izanami: “Yoh Boi, wait!”

I chased him outside the building to the point where I ended up tackling him to the ground.

Izanami: “Why do you always disappear without saying anything?”

Yoh Boi: “Uhh,,,”

I kept my eyes closed in a heartfelt rant.

Izanami: “Don’t you know me and my bro are your biggest fans? I’ve been dancing for some time now but I never met anyone quite like you, your dancing is so cool and unique! Ever since you appeared out of nowhere, I’ve strived to dance like you!”

By this time tears and snot started pouring down my face. It was truly embarrassing.

Izanami: “However, I lied earlier today to my friends. I told them that you were the one I admired the most, but that wasn’t true. There’s a person among my circle of friends who I truly admire. You see, I just remembered that he was the one I wanted to learn how to dance for and impress. Somewhere along the line, I forgot that fact. Maybe it’s because he showed little interest to begin with.”

Yoh Boi: “....”

By the time I realized I was on top of Yoh Boi, it was already too late. I opened my eyes and attempted to leave his side in a flurry.

Izanami: “Um, sorry, I didn’t mean to jump you and spill my heart out like that, it’s just….huh?”

I looked down and noticed that his head was staring at me from across the floor. As for the person inside, his actual head was burrowed inside the [canig] suit.

Izanami: “Y-Yoh Boi?”

Yoh Boi: “....”

With my curiosity peaked, I pulled the top of the suit down to reveal the person behind the suit. Who I saw made me gasp.

Izanami: “Abe…”

Abe: “....Roar.”

~End Chapter 5 Romance Dummies~


Last edited: Jan 20, 2024

EZLight777,Oct 24, 2023


Novel - Greedy Salvation (Web Novel) - [HIATUS] (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.