Copyright Review Lesson
Review the information on each slide• This is all information we have covered in class• Feel free to use prior knowledge and existing notes to help you
through the process
Using Microsoft Word• 1. Summarize the summarizing paragraph • 2. Paraphrase the paraphrasing paragraph• 3. and 4. Take a direct quote from each paragraph and cite it properly • Be sure to use MLA citations for each of the four tasks• Use the links/resources available to you
When Completed share with me on Google Drive
A summary is the main points of something condensed into your own words
The main points can be reordered to fit your needs
A summary should only be about 1/3 the length of the original
Read material and distinguish the main points from the rest
List the ideas in phrase form
Group main ideas logically
Turn ideas into sentences and create a paragraph
Proofread and be sure to cite
A paraphrase is used when you want something in your own words but need to focus on details
You may “borrow” words from the original text as long as you use direct quotations around anything you use
• Be sure to cite use proper MLA citations
A paraphrase should be about the same length of the original
Read the passage twice and identify any words you do not know
Look up the unknown words and replace their definitions into the original
Reread the material with the newly understood definitions
Put the material into your own word, being sure to use quotations around any words or phrases you have taken verbatim
• Be sure to use proper MLA citations
Create your new paragraph and proofread final copy
Direct quotations are words or phrases that are taken verbatim from original text
• This is used when you can’t or don’t want to change the author’s original words because they are more useful the way they are.
These direct quotes must be cited using proper MLA in text citations
• Author and Page Number• Use the end punctuation for the sentence after the parentheses• Ex. (Smith 25).
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)• https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Mrs. Tarr’s Plagiarism Presentation• http://www.edline.net/files/_7CIsz_/
1. The honeybee colony, which usually has a population of 30,00 to 40,000 workers, differs from that of the bumblebee and many other social bees or wasps in that it survives the winter. This means that the bees must stay warm despite the cold. Like other bees, the isolated honeybee cannot fly if the temperature falls below 10 degrees C (50 degrees F) and cannot walk if the temperature is below 7 degrees C (45 degrees F). Within the wintering hive, bees maintain their temperature by clustering together in a dense ball; the lower the temperature, the denser the cluster. The clustered bees produce heat by constant muscular movements of their wings, legs, and abdomens. In very cold weather, the bees on the outside of the cluster keep moving toward the center, while those in the core of the cluster move to the colder outside periphery. The entire cluster moves slowly about on the combs, eating the stored honey from the combs as it moves.
“Winter Organization,” in Helena Curtis, Biology, second edition, (New York: Worth, 1976), 822-823.
2. Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final [research] paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes.
Lester, James D. Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976): 46-47.
3. and 4. Choose a direct quotation from each of the two previous paragraphs and add them to your Microsoft word Document
Be sure your name and period are on the top of your Word document
As a reminder, you must cite your work using MLA Format• There are works cited entries at the bottom of each
Save it as your last name and copyright assignment• Ex. MaynardCopyrightAssignment.doc
Share with me on Google Drive• [emailprotected]
Purdue university online writing lab. (2015). Retrieved from: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Retrieved from: http://www.solonschools.org/
Tarr, A. (2014). Plagiarism 101. Retrieved from: http://www.edline.net/files/_7CIsz_/1d3964502975e3c43745a49013852ec4/Plagiarism_2014_Web.pdf