You must create a Private Access Code (PAC) to make an exam private. A PAC can only be used for a single delivery mode (for example, VUE Standard Delivery, IBT at VUE Test Center, IBT at Zero Footprint Test Center, or Anywhere Proctored). A PAC cannot be shared across delivery modes. If you want to add a PAC to different delivery modes, you must create a separate PAC for each delivery mode.
Name a PAC
A Private Access Code must have a unique name. It is up to the client to determine how to name the PACs. Some thought should go into creating the codes so they make sense to the client, the proctor, and the candidates. If a PAC will be assigned to a single exam, you may want to have the exam name or ID as part of the PAC. You may want to specify the delivery mode in the PAC naming convention as well. Since a single exam may be published to be delivered in both a standard test center and as an Anywhere Proctored exam, this will help users understand how the exam will be delivered. For instance, you may have exam 123 Certification that is delivered in both standard and Anywhere Proctored delivery modes. To register for the Anywhere Proctored exam, users must enter a PAC. You could name the PAC: 123-AP.
- Click the Create PAC button in the upper right-hand corner on the Search Private Access Codes page.
- Select the desired Delivery mode from the drop-down list.
Note | The Delivery Mode field is required. You may select any one of the following delivery modes:
A PAC can only be assigned to a single delivery mode. If you wish to use a PAC to register for multiple delivery modes, you must create a separate PAC for each delivery mode. |
- Enter a private access code in the Private Access Code field.
Note | The Private Access Codes must adhere to the following characteristics:
- Enter a Description.
The description is a required field. You can enter up to 1000 characters. Try and use key words in the description. When you are searching for a PAC, you may search to locate a PAC using words that have been entered into the description field.
Set PAC start and end dates
Start and end dates for Private Access Codes are optional. You may use them to control when a candidate may register for an exam. A common use for PACs is for Anywhere Proctored exams following an event. With Anywhere Proctored exam delivery, candidates register for the exam immediately prior to taking the exam. You may set the start and end dates to restrict the exam registrations using the PAC to a single day, the day of the event. If candidates attempt to register for the exam before the start date or after the end date, an error will be displayed preventing the candidate from registering for the exam in that delivery mode.
- Click the Calendar button to set the Starts on and Ends on date(s).
- Use the Month forward and backward buttons to locate the desired start date. Click the desired date on the calendar.
Note | These are the beginning and ending dates PACs may be used to register for an exam. Candidates using the configured PAC will be unable to register for the exam(s) prior to or after the Starts on and Ends on dates. You may configure just a PAC start date, just a PAC end date, no start or end date, or both a start and end date. The PAC start date must be on or before the PAC end date. The PAC dates are not to be confused with the exam Registration and Delivery dates configured by test publishing. These dates specify when an exam is available for registrations and the window in which the exam may be delivered. A Delivery Period may also be specified by test publishing to identify how many days the candidate has to complete the IBT exam once they have registered for it. If the PAC dates are prior to or after the exam Registration dates, candidates will get an error when attempting to register for the exam. Work with your test publisher if you have questions regarding the Registration or Delivery dates, or the Delivery Period. |
Note | Alternatively, you may type a date into the date field. The dates must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
The focus shifts to the Starts on time field.
- Use the Hour, Minute, and AM/PM up and down buttons to select the desired Start and End Time.
Note | If you enter a Start or End Date, you must also enter a Start and End Time. If you enter a Start or End Time, you must also enter a Start and End Date. You must enter the time in hh:mm format and specify either AM or PM. If you only enter a time, the time defaults to PM. The End Time must be after the Start Time. If you set the End Date or End Time before the Start Date or Start Time the system will warn you that the Start Date is after the End Date. Keep in mind the times are set according to the time zone your computer is set to when you set the dates. If you choose a start on date and time of July 30, 12:00 a.m. and an ends on date and time of July 30, 11:59 p.m. and you are in CST, the PAC will be available July 30 from the CST Starts on Time until the CST Ends on Time. If the candidate will be registering for the exam in the United Kingdom, there is a 7-hour time difference. Candidates will not be able to register for the exam for the entire day in the UK where the exam is being delivered. To account for exam registration in multiple time zones, it is best to choose the day before the desired Starts on date and the day after the Ends on date. In this example, you would set the starts on date and time to July 29, 12:00 a.m. and the ends on date and time to July 31, 11:59 p.m. |
Note | Alternatively, you may type a time into the time field. The time must be in hh:mm AM/PM format. |
Assign exams to PAC
When creating the Private Access Code, you may choose to assign it to a single exam, multiple exams, or include all exams for the specified delivery mode. You may edit the PAC later to add or remove exams. At least one exam must be assigned to the PAC. The list of available exams is filtered by the Delivery Mode you selected.
Assign all exams to PAC
- Select the All exams option.
All exams of the selected delivery mode will be assigned to the PAC.
Assign individual exams to PAC
- Select the Specific exams option.
The list of available exams for the selected delivery modes are displayed in the Available column.
Note | If you do not see an exam in the Available exams list that you expected to see, contact your test publisher to ensure the correct Delivery mode has been applied to the exam, and that the PAC Required field has been selected for the exam/delivery mode combination. |
- You may search for a specific exam by typing in either the exam name or exam code.
Note | The list of exams is dynamically filtered as you type in the search field. You may type in any part of the exam name or exam code and all exams matching the text entered will be displayed. |
- Scroll through the list of Available exams in the left column and click the desired exam name.
The exam is moved to the Selected column.
- Rather than selecting individual exams from the filtered list, you may also click the select all link.
Note | The select all link behaves differently than the All Exams option. The All exams option applies all exams for the selected delivery mode to the PAC. Use the select all link after filtering the list of exams. For example, filter the list to display all exams for electrical engineering. Then click the select all link. This takes all the exams that have been filtered and displayed in the Available column and applies them to the PAC in the Selected column. |
- Continue selecting exams you wish to assign to the PAC.
Remove individual exams from PAC
- Scroll through the list of Selected exams in the right column and click the desired exam name you wish to remove from the PAC.
If you remove all exams from the Selected exams, a message displays reminding you that no exams are selected for the PAC. The PAC must be associated with at least one exam.
Assign exam groups to PAC
Exam groups are used to display exams in groupings or categories defined by the client. For instance, you could put all your electrical engineering exams in a ProcPacGroup. Then you could assign a PAC to a specific exam group. All exams in the exam group would then be assigned to the PAC. Speak with your program manager if you are interested in setting up exam groups. These ProcPacGroups are set up in Finance Manager by your program manager, then you may apply them to PACs.
Assign individual exam groups to PAC
- Select the Specific exam groups option.
All client exam groups are displayed in the Available column.
Note | If you do not see an exam group in the Available exams list that you expected to see, contact your program manager to ensure the exam group has been configured. |
You may search for a specific exam group by typing in any part of the exam group name.
Note | The list of exams is dynamically filtered as you type in the search field. You may type in any part of the exam group name, and all exam groups matching the text entered will be displayed. |
- Scroll through the list of Available exam groups in the left column and click the desired exam group name.
The exam group is moved to the Selected column.
- Rather than selecting individual exam groups from the filtered list, you may also click the select all link.
Note | The select all link behaves differently than the All exams option. The All exams option applies all the client's Anywhere Proctored exams to the Authorization. Use the select all link after filtering the list of exam groups. For example, filter the list to display all exam groups for electrical engineering. Then click the select all link. This takes all the exam groups that have been filtered and displayed in the Available column and applies them to the PAC in the Selected column. |
- Continue selecting exam groups you wish to assign to the PAC.
Remove individual exam groups from PAC
- Scroll through the list of Selected exam groups in the right column and click the desired exam group you wish to remove from the Authorization.
If you remove all exam groups from the Selected exams, a message displays reminding you that no exams are selected for the PAC. The PAC must be associated with at least one exam.
Save the PAC
Once you have named the Private Access Code, assigned start and end dates, and assigned the exams, you are ready to save the PAC.
- Click Create.
If any of the required fields are not completed, an error message is displayed at the top of the screen, and all required fields will be highlighted in red to indicate they must be completed prior to saving the PAC.
Upon successful PAC creation, you are returned to the list of PACs. A message above the list states that a new PAC was successfully created.